Wednesday, March 28, 2012

توكلت في رزقي على الله خالقي *** و أيقنت أن الله لا شك رازقي
و ما يك من رزقي فليس يفوتني *** و لو كان في قاع البحار العوامق
سيأتي به الله العظيم بفضله *** و لو لم يكن مني اللسان بناطقي
ففي أي شيء تذهب النفس حسرة *** و قد قسم الرحمن رزق الخلائق

When it comes to my provisions, I rely upon Allah, my Creator
And I know with certainty that He will no doubt provide for me.
Whatever’s in my due, will not pass me by,
Even if it were to be in the depths of the sea.
Allah the Exalted will bring it forth by His Grace,
Even if I were to remain silent over it.
So, what can a soul feel sorrow over,
When the Most Merciful has set the provisions of the creation?

- Imam ash-Shaafi’ee

Source: Deewaan of Imaam Ash-Shaafi`ee (رحمه الله)
Internet source: Yemeniyyah
Posted: 26 Mar 2012 10:07 PM PDT

Matters will not be correct and sound except with the presence of tawheed.

*In the Name of Allaah, the Extremely Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy…
Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan:
…This is what is obligatory for the du`aat (callers) to precede upon in their call, that they should focus upon warning against shirk and calling to tawheed before everything, otherwise their call will not be upon the manhaj(methodology) of the Messenger (sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam).
Allaah sent the Messenger (sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam) with warning against shirk and calling to tawheed, so it is essential to lay this foundation down first of all. After that, the person can direct his attention to the rest of the matters, since matters will not be correct and sound except with the presence of tawheed.
If all of the people were to abandon zinaa (fornication), intoxicants, stealing, and they took on every virtuous quality from deeds and behavior, but did not abandon shirk, there would be no benefit in these matters and it will not benefit them. Whereas, if the people were to remain free of shirk, but had major sins less than shirk, then there is hope for such a person that Allaah will either forgive him or punish him in accordance with the level of his sins. But his final destination will be to Paradise because he is a person of tawheed.
Tawheed is the fundamental basis and foundation. There is no salvation except with the presence oftawheed firstly. Therefore, it is obligatory to concentrate and always give attention to it and to call the people to it and to teach it to the people and to explain it to them, what is the meaning of tawheed and what is the meaning ofshirk. The Muslim must be aware of this matter and attain certainty concerning it. He should check himself so that he does not fall into anything from shirk or infringe tawheed. This matter is essential and the da`wah must precede upon this basis.(1)
(1) Sharh Usool-ith-ThalaathahShaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan. Translated by Aboo Talhah Dawud Burbank -rahimahullaah.

'Abdullâh bin 'amr:
If you are not crying, then pretend to cry. For by the One in whose hand my soul lies, if one of you knew, he would have shouted until his voice breaks, and he would have prayed until his back breaks.
(at-Tazkiyah, p.124)

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