Saturday, February 4, 2012

Ibn Baaz and Revenge

Dr. Naasir ibn Misfir al-Zahraani said,
"Some students of knowledge came [to Shaikh Ibn Baaz] and complained about someone to him.  They explained his mistakes [to the Shaikh] and some of the issues in which that person had opposed the Sunnah.  So the Shaikh started to dictate a treatise criticising, advising and directing him;while he was doing so someone said, 'And he speaks ill of you, O Shaikh, and slanders you.'
So the Shaikh said to the scribe, 'Stop and leave what you are writing for fear that the people will say that the Shaikh is taking revenge for himself.'"
Mawaaqif Mudee’ah, p. 204.

How Many Pairs of Scales Will There Be on the Day of Judgement? by Ahmed Abu Turaab

Questioner: The Most High said, “And We place the scales of justice for the Day of Resurrection,” [Anbiyaa 21:47], so will the scales on the Day of Resurrection be a single pair or a number of scales?
Al-Albaani: There is no doubt that it is not allowed to alter or replace the wording of the Quraan. So as long as Allaah the Mighty and Majestic has used the word, ‘[pairs of] scales’ then it is ‘[pairs of] scales,’ [i.e., as opposed to a single pair of scales].
And there is nothing stopping these pairs of scales being different as we know they are from the Unseen, and it is not fitting that we picture them to be a specific pair of scales, how can we when the scales found in this world now have become numerous and of many variations. So it is all the more so that on the Day of Resurrection there will be multiple/various pairs of scales.
So as long as Allaah the Mighty and Majestic has mentioned scales in the plural form in such Quranic wording, I hold it to be a denial of the [correct] meaning for [the term] ‘pairs of scales’ to be explained to mean ‘a pair of scales,’ and this is not from the way of theSalaf.
Fataawaa Jeddah, 36.

Seeking Knowledge In Our Time and Seeking Knowledge In The Time That Was Before Us by

Why the people who seek knowledge today don't find the success with their knowledge and great benefit with their knowledge ?
Lecture by Shaykh Muhammed Ibn Haadee al-Madhkhaalee [hafidahullaahu ta'aala]
Translator's Introduction:
"In shaa Allaahu ta'aala were giving a very praiseworthy lecture by Shaykh Muhammed Ibn Haadee al-Madhkhaalee [hafidahullaahu ta'aala] ad-Doctor from Jazaan. He did a beautiful lecture [about 2 weeks ago] entitled: Seeking Knowledge In Our Time & Seeking Knowledge In The Time That Was Before Us. After listening to this lecture; me, myself as the translator, I wanted to say that this has really changed my life, just since I heard this lecture. It had a tremendous effect in my life. So much so, that I just had to share it with the people, so that hopefully it will have an effect on our life or on your life, as it had an effect on my life. Or perhaps even have a greater effect on the lives of those who are listening, than it even had upon me and is continuously having upon me to this very moment right now; walhamdulillaah. The Shaykh - as a synopsis or the introduction - to what he talked about in his lecture, so you know what to look for, which is the reason why we entitled it online, the title we gave. Which is, the Shaykh he really talks about why the people who seek knowledge today don't find the success with their knowledge and great benefit with their knowledge in their lives, and upon themselves, and everyone around them. As we seen, when knowledge was sought by those Imams, those `kibaar al-Ulamaa who just recently died & those that still remain, and the strong students of knowledge; how we see knowledge effect them. So in this lecture the Shaykh, he's going to explain why we don't find success. And he breaks it down to 4 main reasons. In which he's going to give them first and then he's going to explain each 4 of those reasons. And his lecture in Arabic was a total 1 hour & 10 minutes. With the questions and answers, it added another 33 minutes, but were not going to include, with this, the questions and answers. Were just going to include the lecture. And in shaa Allaahu ta'aala were going to translate this and hopefully with the success of Allaah subhannah wa ta'aala. And that Allaah, with the success lies & to Him I seek assistance and to Him I return to in repentance. So in shaa Allaahu ta'aala, this is basically what the Shaykh talked about..."
Click here to download the mp3 lecture

An Amazing Affair From The Dawah of Shaikhul Islaam

In The Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful The Bestower of Mercy
Ibn Abdul Haadee (rahimahullaah) said:
When he [shaikhul Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullaah)] entered prison, he found the prisoners pre-occupied with various types of games with which they pass the time, such as chess, backgammon and the likes, of (those things that lead) to neglect of the five daily prayers.
So the Shaikh [Ibn Taymiyyah(rahimahullaah)] severely disapproved of that from them. He commanded them to adhere to the five daily prayers and to turn to Allaah through performance of righteous deeds, glorification of Allaah, seeking forgiveness for their sins and supplication.
He made them acquainted with what they were in need of from the Sunnah. He awakened their desire for it and urged them towards it, until a lot of good came about in the prison due to that which was (present) in it of pre-occupation with knowledge and the Religion better than many of the small prayer rooms, the hospices, the places where people secluded themselves for worship and the schools.  And it became (such) that many amongst the prisoners chose to remain with him (Ibn Taymiyyah) after they were released, and those returning to the prison became so numerous that it became filled with them.

[Al-Uqood Ad-Du’riyyah Fee Dhikri Manaaqib Shaikhul Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah 330-331]
Translated by: Abu Mu-aawiyyah (Abdullaah Al-Gambi)