Saturday, January 28, 2012

2/2 From the Fountains of Imam Ahmad – Shaykh Saalih ibn Abdul-Azeez Aal us-Shaykh by

Uploaded by ahlulsunnahwaljammah on 27 Jan 2012
From the Fountains of Imam Ahmad (d.241AH)
Shaykh Saalih ibn Abdul-Azeez Aal us-Shaykh:
Translation: Moosaa Richardson
Some the issues discussed in this video are:
  • Memorizing the Quran
  • Seeking Knowledge until Death
  • Seeking Safety and Good Health When Supplicating
  • The Effect of Knowledge on One's Writings
  • Humbling Oneself and Rejecting Popularity
Part 1 of the Video @ :

Friday, January 27, 2012

Charity is due on every joint bone of the body.


Squeezing in the Grave – is there any escape? by

Translated by Ahmed Abu Turaab
Questioner: He said in the Musnad … the hadith of Hudhaifah, who said, “We were with the Prophet of Allaah, صلى الله عليه وسلم, during a funeral. So when we got to the grave he sat down on his two shins and started to look at it, and then said, ‘The believer is squeezed in it one time such that his ‘hamaa’il’ are crushed, and the disbeliever is covered in Fire.’”
He said the hamaa’il are the veins of the testicles.  What does, “… the veins of his testicles are crushed …” mean?
Al-Albani: It’s an expression to show the severity of the punishment. [The compiler of the book said, 'I.e, his ribs are crushed to such an extent that it affects his testicles.']
Questioner: Namely, the believer will be squeezed to such an extent?
Al-Albani: And his ribs will overlap, no one will escape it, not even Sa’d ibn Mu’aadh [did] as he, عليه السلام, said in some authentic hadtihs.
Questioner: Namely, he will feel pain from this squeezing?
Al-Albani: … without doubt. When the ribs overlap then this is severe pain, but it does not persist. One squeezing and then everything returns to its natural state, if he was a righteous person then [he will be in the state of a] righteous person, and if he was an evil person then [he will be the state of an] evil person, as we just explained that a window is opened up in the grave for the dead person.
Questioner: Namely, the squeezing, there is no escape from it?
Al-Albani: There is no escape from it.
Mawsoo’atul-Allaamah, al-Imaam, Mujaddidil-Asr, Muhammad Naasirid-Deen al-Albaani,of Shaikh Shady Noaman, vol. 9, pp. 159-160.
Here’s the video a brother made of this post, jazaahullaahu khairaa:

Ibn Taymiyah (rahimahu`Allah) said,
"It is a recommended act for every person who sinned to perform Wudoo` then pray two Rak'ah.
[Majmoo` Fatawaa, vol. 21/139]
A poet once said:
Conceal your inability as much as you can with silence,
In silence there is indeed a respite,
And if you’re unable (of answering), then make silence your answer,
Perhaps the answer to a statement is in the silence.

Al-Imaam Abu Haatim Ibn Hibbaan Al-Bustee; Rawdatul-`Uqalaa
''The servant who seeks the pleasure of Allaah never abandons Tawbah. He remains in the state ofTawbah until his death. Whatever his state of belief, the servant makes Tawbah his constant companion.''
Source: The State of Repentance
Imaam Ibn ul Qayyim al Jawziyyah (rahimahu`Allah)
Madaarij as-Saalikeen
Visit the following link to read about the excellence and benefits of this Soorah:

Baarak`Allahu feekum.

Sinners using Divine Decree as an Excuse by

No Excuse for Sinners
Shaykh al-`Uthaymeen said:
We believe that the sinner has no excuse in Allaah’s divine decree, because he commits his sin by his free will, without knowing that Allaah has decreed for him, for no one knows Allaah’s decree before it takes place:
«No soul knows what it will earn tomorrow» [31:34]
How can it be possible, then, to present an excuse that is not known to the person who is advancing it when he commits his offense? Allaah invalidated this type of argument by saying:
«Those who took partners (in worship) with Allaah will say: “If Allaah had willed, we would not have taken partners (in worship) with Him, nor would our fathers, and we would not have forbidden anything (against His Will). Likewise belied those who were before them, (they argued falsely with Allaah’s Messengers), till they tasted of Our Wrath. Say: “Have you any knowledge (proof) that you can produce before us? Verily, you follow nothing but guess and you do nothing but lie.» [6:148]
We say to the sinner who is using divine decree as an excuse: ‘Why did you notperform deeds of obedience, assuming that Allaah has decreed them upon you, since you did not know the difference between good deeds and sins? That is why, when Prophet Muhammad (sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam) told his Companions that everyone’s position in Paradise or Hell has been assigned, they said: ‘Should not we rely on this and stop working?’ He said: «No, work and everyone will be directed to what he is created for» [Bukhaaree and Muslim].
We say to the sinner who is trying to find an excuse in the divine decree: “Suppose you want to travel to Makkah. There are two roads that may take you there. You are told by a truthful person that one of these roads is dangerous and difficult, the other is easy and safe. You will take the second one. You will not take the first road and say it is decreed upon me. If you did, people would consider you crazy.”
We may also say to him: “If you are offered two jobs, one of which has a higher salary, you will certainly take the one with the higher salary. Why do you choose what is lower in the Hereafter and use the divine decree as an excuse?”
We may further say to him: “We see you when you are afflicted with a disease, you knock at every physician’s door looking for treatment and bearing whatever pain that may result from surgical operations and the bitterness of medicine. Why do not you do the same when your heart is spiritually sick with sins?
Source : The Muslim’s Belief.
Internet Source

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Salafi Refutation of Zakir Naik

The Calamity Of Zakir Naik Upon The Ummah- these are questions from India asked to Shaykh Al-Muhaddith Yahya bin Alee Al-Hajooree (may Allah preserve him) , to gain clarification on Zakir Naik. They were asked around the year 2006, 1427 Hijriyyah.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
More about Zakir Naik:

Salafi Refutation of Zakir Naik

The Calamity Of Zakir Naik Upon The Ummah- these are questions from India asked to Shaykh Al-Muhaddith Yahya bin Alee Al-Hajooree (may Allah preserve him) , to gain clarification on Zakir Naik. They were asked around the year 2006, 1427 Hijriyyah.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
More about Zakir Naik:

Ahlul Hadeeth – An Attributive Name by Abdul-Haqq Abdul-Khaliq

Ahlul Hadeeth – An Attributive Name Download(Right click then save target/link as) Ahlul Hadeeth – An Attributive Name & Consensus, 50 Statements Concearning The Ahl al-Hadeeth By Shaykh Zubair Ali Za’ee

Knowledge is to Be Acted Upon

"We've really 'sold ourselves short' in our knowledge because what we have learnt is not being actualised in our behaviour. In fact, the most that we can say is that we know the legal ruling of somethingbut as for putting it into practice then only little do we do that. We ask Allaah to pardon us!

The main fruit and benefit of knowledge is that it is put into practice so that its effects can be seen in the faces of people, in their behaviour, their character, their worship of Allah, their seriousness, their fear (of Allah) etc.; this is the most important thing to remember.

I personally believe that if an intelligent Christian was to study Islamic jurisprudence as we do here, he would understand it just as well as we do, if not better. For example, look at that Arabic language dictionary Munjid – they say that the author was a Christian and that he researched it very well!

So speculative issues (achieved by deep study) are not the objective in (seeking) knowledge – O Allah, grant us a beneficial knowledge! – no, the main fruit of knowledge is for it to be of true benefit.

Isn't it amazing how many of the basic standard people who are ignorant of the Deen, exhibit a true humility in front of Allaah 'azza wa jall, actualising a real closeness to Allah, excellent conduct, behaviour and worship, far, far greater than that of a student of knowledge...?"

Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen (rahimahu`Allah) in his Sharh al-Mumti' 'ala Zaad al-Mustaqni' 166/7

One of the Means to Attaining Success and Felicity

Ibn Qayyim (rahimahullaah):
One of the most effective means for attaining [success and felicity] is pondering over the Qur`aan, for along with the Sunnah, it clearly explains the paths to good and evil. If you turn your attention to them, they will suffice you. They will inform you of Allaah’s treatment of the obedient, and of the sinners. Moreover, apply what you read to practical experience, and you will see the illustration of this -

that Allaah is true, the Messenger is true, the Qur`aan is trueand that Allaah fulfills His promise.

al-Jawaab al-Kafi 

From the Signs of the Existence of the Lord of All Creation

Allah, ta`aalaa, stated in His Noble Book:
Verily! In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and in the alternation of night and day, and the ships which sail through the sea with that which is of use to mankind, and the water (rain) which Allah sends down from the sky and makes the earth alive therewith after its death, and the moving (living) creatures of all kinds that He has scattered therein, and in the veering of winds and clouds which are held between the sky and the earth, are indeed Ayat (proofs, evidences, signs, etc.) for people of understanding. (Al-Baqarah2:164)
And He, `azza wajall, stated:
Indeed your Lord is Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth in Six Days, and then He Istawa (rose over) the Throne (really in a manner that suits His Majesty). He brings the night as a cover over the day, seeking it rapidly, and (He created) the sun, the moon, the stars subjected to His Command. Surely, His is the Creation and Commandment. Blessed be Allah, the Lord of the 'Alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exists)! (Al-A`raaf 7:54)

The Wise Man Does Not Argue

 Imaam Al-Hasan Al-Basree, rahimahu`Allah, said:
[Reported by Abu Nu`aim ibn Hammaad in his Zawaa’id `alaz-Zuhd libnil Mubaarak (no. 30) and Ibn Battah in Ibaanatul-Kubraa (no. 611).]
"The wise man does not argue or seek to overcome with stratagem, rather he propagates his wisdom. If it is accepted he praises Allaah and if it is rejected he praises Allaah."

Blowing on One's Food - Shaykh Saalih Al-Fawzaan

Shaykh Saalih Al-Fawzaan, hafidhahu`Allah, said:
"It is disliked to blow on the food if it isn't hot. Otherwise, it is allowed (i.e. if it were to be hot).
(Al-Ittihaf, p. 387)

"Never think that Allaah is unaware..."

Imaam Ahmad (rahimahu`Allah) used to say:
''If you are alone one day, do not say 'I am alone,' but say, 'There is an All-Watcher with me.' Never think that Allaah is unaware even for an hour or that unhidden things are not known by Him.'"
Jami Ul Uloom Wa'l Hikam by Imaam Ibn Rajab

Etiquette of Greeting When Entering the Masjid

Shaykh al-Albaanee (rahimahu`Allah) said:
"When one comes into the Masjid and is about to greet, he greets so low so that only those around him hear. He shouldn't greet with a loud voice so that he disturbs the others in the Masjid."

(Silsila al-Huda wan Noor, 177)

“Why did you not tell me?” by

 Ibn al-Jawzi (rahimahu`Allah) said:
There was a king who had a lot of wealth, and he had a daughter and no other children. He loved her very much, and he used to let her enjoy all kinds of entertainment. This went on for a long time. Beside the king there lived a devoted worshiper, and whilst he was reciting one night, he raised his voice saying,
O you who believe! Ward off yourselves and your families against a Fire (Hell) whose fuel is men and stones." [At-Tahreem 66:6 – interpretation of the meaning].
The girl heard his recitation and said to her servants, “Stop!” But they did not stop. The worshipper started to repeat the verse, and the girl kept telling them to stop, but they did not stop. She put her hands to her collar and tore her garment, and they went to her father and told him the story. He went to her and said, “My dear, what happened to you tonight? What made you weep?” and he hugged her. She said, “I ask you by Allaah, O my father, to tell me, does Allaah have a Fire the fuel of which is men and stones?” He said, “Yes.” She asked him, “Why did you not tell me? By Allaah I will not eat any good food or sleep on any soft bed until I know whether my abode is in Paradise or Hell.”
[Safwat As-Safwah, 4/437-438]

Monday, January 23, 2012

Refutation of the claim that Tawheed divides the Muslims – Shaykh Saalih bin Fawzaan al-Fawzaan by

Listen to the translated audio clip of Shaykh Saalih Ibn Fawzaan al-Fawzaan where he answers the conception held by many ignorant Muslims today that being concerned with Tawheed is a cause for the division amongst the Muslims and that we must instead be more mindful of the plots of the Jews and Christians against Islaam. The Shaykh aptly explains that such a person is either an innovator, or a mushrik.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Haa’iyyah – Ibn Abee Daawood as-Sijistani by

'Aqeedah Course: The Haa'iyyah Poem of Ibn Abee Daawood (d.316)
By Abul-'Abbaas Moosaa Richardson
In the lead-up to the 2010 TROID Islamic Summer Courses, we present to you the 2007 Aqeedah Course. From June 11th - June 22nd we will be publishing a lecture a day towards the completion of the course.  
 The famous Haa'iyyah poem of Ibn Abee Daawood (rahimahullaah) and its illustrious points concerning the correct Islaamic 'Aqeedah was recently adapted using the explanation of Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan for the 'Aqeedah course, as part of the Summer Islaamic Courses 2007.
Text:Arabic Text (Poetry) with its TranslationListen/Download 9 min
Class 01:Hold Tight to the Rope of Allaah and don't be a InnovatorListen/Download60 min
Class 02:Speaking Decisively about the Qur'aan being the speech of AllaahListen/Download  51 min
Class 03:Seeing Allaah, His Omnipotence and the Jahmee Rejection of thisListen/Download  47 min
Class 04:Affirmation of the Hands of Allaah and His DescendingListen/Download57 min
Class 05:The Excellence of the CompanionsListen/Download55 min
Class 06:Being Convinced of Pre-Ordainment (qadr)Listen/Download45 min
Class 07:Do Not Disbelieve in the Day of JudgementListen/Download79 min
Class 08:Removal from the Fire and The River of FirdowsListen/Download54 min
Class 09:Concerning the Khawaarij, the Murjiah and the Issues of EeemaanListen/Download49 min
Class 10:Stick to the Sunnah, Avoid Playing with the Deen and Be SuccessfulListen/Download52 min
Class 11:Concerning the issue of 'Salafiyyah' and the term 'Salafee'Listen/Download57 min
Class 12:Course Review Session with Q&AListen/Download45 min