Wednesday, August 14, 2013

AT-TAWWASUL AND IT’S TYPES By: Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzan

The questioner asks O shaykh regarding at-tawassul ( a means of seeking nearness to Allaah with certain actions), it’s types and that is with the supplication of the righteous.
At-tawassul is of two types; the type that is legislated (allowed) and the type that is forbidden.
The tawassul which is legislated is
  • tawassul to Allaah by (using) His Names and Qualities or
  • tawassul by way of righteous actions or
  • tawassul in requesting supplication from a living person (who) is present, that he supplicates for you regarding your affairs; All this is permissible.
The tawassul which is forbidden is
  • the tawassul done by the honor the creation, or by his right or by his personality or his uprightness.
This is the tawaasul which is forbidden. If the one who does so directs anything from worship to the one the tawaasul is made towards, then this is major shirk, just as that which the people of jaahiliyah were upon ( Allaah says) “they worship other than Allaah things that will not harm nor benefit them, they say these are our intercessors with Allaah” (10:18) (also) Just as most of the grave worshippers are upon; those who seek nearness (to Allaah) by way of the deceased with different forms of worship and they say “these will intercede for us with Allaah” and this is major shirk!
Translator: Abu Anas Atif Hasan
Posted with Permission from : Al-Binaa Publishing | Durham NC