Friday, May 17, 2013

Definition of Emaan(Faith)

اعتقاد باالقلب وقول بااللسان وعمل بالجوارح يزيد باالطاعة وينقص باالمعصية
Belief in your heart, statements by the tongue, actions  by the limbs, increasing by obedience, decreasing by disobedience.

Other names for La Ilaha Illallahu Muhammadur Rasulullah (Shahadah)

1. Kalimathuth Thawheedكلمة التوحيد - Word of Oneness of Allah

2. Kalimathuth Thaqwa    - كلمة التقوى  - Word of Taqwa (The commanding of Allah and the Obedience of us)

3. Kalimathul Wusqa       - كلمة الوثقى   - The strongest Handhold

4. Kalimathul Baqi           - كلمة الباقيا    - Everlasting Word

Definition of Islam

It is to submit to Allah with Tawheed( Islamic Monotheism) and submit to him obediently, and to free and disassociate oneself from shirk and its people.

Barakah - بركة - Blessing

ثبوت الخير الالهي وزيادته
Stableness of the good which came from Allah and the increasement of it.

Know, may Allah have mercy on you, that we obligated to learn four matters.

Know, may Allah have mercy on you, that we obligated to learn four matters.

First - (ILM) Knowledge, which means: Knowledge of Allah, Knowledge of His Prophet, and Knowledge of the Religion of Islam, based on evidences.

Second - (AMAL) Acting on this.

Third - (DAWAH) Calling to it.

Fourth - (SABR) Patience with the harm that befalls due to it.

Evidence for Allahs existence

1. Ayah Qawniyyah - Universal Evidences
Example - Sun, Moon, Planets, Sky
Surah Fussilat verse 37
Surah al-Araf verse 54
Surah al-Baqarah verse 21-22

2.Ayah Shar'iyyah - Evidence from the Quran and Sunnah

2 types of Dua (Supplication)

1. Dua-al-Ibadah   - Physically supplicating to Allah
2. Dua-al-Masalah -Verbally supplicating to Allah