Friday, May 25, 2012

MENTIONING THE NAME OF ALLAAH IN THE BATHROOM source: silsilat ul-hudaa wa nnoor, 224/4 asaheeha translations

Questioner: “What is the ruling on mentioning the name of Allaah before wudhoo in the bathroom?”
Shaikh al-Albaani: “You mean for example in a small room, two by two meters, with a toilet on one corner and a washbasin on the other side in which you make wudhoo?”
Questioner: “Yes.”
Shaikh al-Albaani: “There is no problem with that at all, because the problem is only with mentioning Allaah (‘azza wa jal) during the time he is sitting to relieve himself. This is the forbidden thing. But if he has finished and cleaned himself, and goes to the washstand and must mention the name of Allaah at that time, then there is nothing (wrong) in that, because this place is not the toilet, (rather) it is the bathroom. The toilet is in the corner; so if one sits there to relieve himself, then during this sitting it is forbidden for him to mention Allaah (‘azza wa jal). Otherwise, just before that – before raising his garment – he must mention the name of Allaah, he must seek refuge in Allaah. So if he sits to relieve himself, it is forbidden for him to mention Allaah (‘azza wa jal). When he finishes, what does he say? ‘Ghufraanaka.’ When he has said that and steps toward the other side of the bathroom, then he can mention Allaah and say whatever adhkaar he wants.”

Tablighi Jamaat is in need of Dawah
By Shaykh Abdul Muhsin Al Abaad
The final question, is it permissible for us to prevent Tablighi Jamaat from giving dawah in our Masjid?
Shaykh Abdul Muhsin:
Tablighi Jamaat is in need of dawah, they need to be given dawah, and enlighten, with Tawheed and Aqeedah, and with what the Salaf of this Ummah were upon. Therefore, you give them dawah and enlighten them, and direct them to that which is correct because they are overcome with ignorance. Therefore help them to reach the good and give them understanding in the religion.

Warning from innovations of Rajab-Dr Hamad Al-Haajiree (Kuwait)

As salamu alykum wa rahmatul-llahi wa barakaatuhu, 

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