Saturday, February 25, 2012

al-Albânî about Qutb, ‘Abdullâh ‘Azzam and al-Ikhwân al-Muslimûn

Scholar: Imâm Muhammad Nâsir-ud-Dîn al-Albânî
Source: cassette tape ”Mafâhîm yajib an nusahhih”
Reference: Darulhadith, Sweden
Shaykh al-Albânî: Have you heard about ’Abdullâh ’Azzâm?
A person: Yes!
Shaykh al-Albânî: ‘Abdullâh ‘Azzâm was here with al-Ikhwân al-Muslimûn. Al-Ikhwân al-Muslimûn boycotted me for about seven-eight years ago. They boycotted my lectures and my call and ‘Abdullâh ‘Azzâm was the only one from al-Ikhwân al-Muslimûn who always came to my lectures with a small notebook and a very small pen. Once the decision of boycotting my lectures came, he never appeared again. I once happened to meet him in the Suhayb-mosque outside the prayer. I greeted him and he shamefully greeted back because he didn’t want to break the agreement. I then said to him:
“Is it this what Islâm commands you?”
He then said:
“The summer clouds will soon brighten up.”
The days went by. One day he came home to me but I wasn’t home. He found out that I was at home at (my son in law) Nidhâm, knocked at the door and came in. He thereafter said:
“I went to your home but didn’t find you there. I’m eager to benefit from your knowledge.”
I then said to him:
“That is what I know, but what is the intention with this boycott?”
He then said:
“You have made Takfîr upon Sayyid Qutb!” – and this is the point.
I asked him:
He answered:
“You say that he speaks in accordance with Wahdat-ul-Wujûd in the chapter ‘al-Hadîd’ and ‘al-Ikhlâs’.”
I then said:
“Yes, he has uttered some of the utterances of Sûfiyyah. The only thing one could understand from it is that he speaks in accordance with Wahdat-ul-Wujûd. However, according to our principles we do not do Takfîr upon a person who falls into Kufr before he has received the truth. How can you proclaim this boycott when I am in your midst? If you do not come, then you could have sent someone in order to find out if it is true that I am making Takfîr upon Sayyid Qutb or not. Sayyid Qutb says this and that here and there.”
He had an outbreak and said:
“The man believes in Allâh, his messenger and Tawhîd!”
We then said to him:
“O dear brother, we do not refute the truth he said, rather the incorrect.”
Despite this session, he spread two-three articles in the Kuwaiti journal “al-Mujtama’” with big headlines:
“Shaykh al-Albânî makes Takfîr upon Sayyid Qutb.”
This is a long story. The one who says that al-Albânî makes Takfîr is as the one who says that al-Albânî praises Sayyid Qutb at a particular occasion. These people are Ahl-ul-Ahwâ! The only way to cope with them is to pray to Allâh for them.
“Can you then force people to believe?” (The Qur’ân 10:99, interpretation of its meanings)

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