Saturday, January 5, 2013

Everything is easy for Allaah

[25] وكل أمر عليه يسير‏.

[25]     And every affair is easy for Him (Allaah).

The Explanation – Point [25]

His Affair, if He wills something, is just that He says to it, "Be!" and it is!

(Soorah YaaSeen (36), aayah 82)

So He gives life and gives death, and He creates and gives provision, and He gives and He withholds and He gives life to the dead after they have passed away; and that is easy for Him, He the Perfect and Most High. Nothing is a burden for Him and nothing is difficult for Him, contrary to the creation; because things are a hardship (for the people) and some things he will be incapable of doing. As for Allaah, then nothing is difficult for Him.

The creation of you all and the resurrection of you all, is just like that of a single soul.

(Soorah Luqmaan (31), aayah 28)[1]

[1] Translator’s side point: In explanation of this aayah, the famous mufassir from the Taabi`een, Mujaahid rahimahullaah, said, “It is just that Allaah says, ‘Be!’and it is! whether it is something (which is) a small amount or a great amount.”

Listen to the entire audio here

and read the entire transcript here

Allaah's Fadl (Favour) and His 'Adl (Justice)

(From Sh Fawzaan's explanation of 'Aqeedat-ut-Tahaawiyyah):

[36]  يهدي من يشاء، ويعصم ويعافي فضلًا، ويضل من يشاء ويخذل ويبتلي عدلًا‏.

[36]     He guides whomever He wishes, and protects and keeps safe as a favour upon them; and He misguides whomever He wishes, and humiliates and puts to trial, from Justice.

The Explanation – Point [36]

Allaah, the One free from all imperfections, guides whomever He wishes and He misguides whomever He wishes; and this is by the Qadaa.  (القضاء – Ordainment) and Qadr (قدر – Pre-decree) of Allaah.  However, He guides those whom He knows are fitting to receive guidance and He guides those who eagerly seek out guidance and who devote themselves to it; then Allaah makes good easy for him.  And He misguides whomever He wishes by reason of that person’s turning away from seeking guidance and good; then Allaah misguides him as a punishment for him for turning away and for his lack of desire for good. 

Please click here for the rest of the explanation of this important point including evidences

Listen to the audio of this beneficial lesson here

Follow the texts, don't innovate

From Sh Fawzaan's explanation of Sharh-us-Sunnah:

The Religion is a matter depending upon texts, and it is ittibaa`, it is to follow, it is not to innovate or originate new things.  Originating new things can only be in the field of manufacturing and of worldly benefits.   But as for the Religion, then nothing may be newly introduced in it after the passing away of the Messenger sallAllaahu `alayhi wa sallam; because laying down Legislation came to an end with the passing away of the Messenger sallAllaahu `alayhi wa sallam.  So there is nothing upon us except al-ittibaa`, to follow, and that we do not introduce anything new from our selves and say, “This is what is fitting for this time.”   

Imaam Maalik rahimahullah said, “Nothing will rectify the latter part of this nation, except that which rectified its first part.”[1] That which rectified its first part was the Book and the Sunnah.  So nothing will rectify the last part of this nation except for the Book and the Sunnah and following the guidance of the Salafus-Saalih (Pious Predecessors).

[1] This is reported from him by a number of people such ash-Shaatibee in al-I`tisaam and Ibn `Abdil-Haadee in Tanqeehit-Tahqeeq.  And perhaps Imaam Maalik took this point of benefit from his teacher Wahb ibn Kaysaan, for indeed Ibn `Abdil Barr reports in at-Tamheed from Imaam Maalik that he (himself) said, “Wahb ibn Kaysaan used to sit for us, and he would never get up until he had said to us, “Know that nothing will rectify the latter part of this nation, except what rectified its first part.”

(Listen to the entire lesson hereread the entire transcript here)

The Danger of Small Innovations

(From Shaykh Saalih ibn Sa`d as-Suhaymee's explanation of Sharh-us-Sunnah):

The explanation of Shaykh Saalih ibn Sa`d as-Suhaymee hafizahullaah mentions with regard to this affair of innovations which start as something small:

 “In the story of `Abdullaah ibn Mas`ood(reported by Daarimee and others) along with the people of these circles who gathered in circles in Basrah when Aboo Moosaa al-Ash`aree came to him and informed him that there are some people gathering in circles.  So in the beginning all they were doing was gathering in circles and repeating words of thikr (remembrance). This, it is possible to say that this is from the smaller innovations.  So then the narrator of this report said, “But then I saw most of those who were in those circles fighting against us on the Day of Nahrawaan.”  SubhaanAllaah! What is meant by the Day of Nahrawaan?  It is the day when `Alee radiyAllaahu `anhu fought against the Khawaarij. 

“So those people of the circles what did they begin with?  They began with a small innovation; it would not be counted as something major without a doubt, however their gathering in circles and the manner in which they were doing the thikr, this is the way in which it was an innovation.  So tasbeeh (saying subhaanAllaah) and tahleel (saying laa ilaaha illAllaah) is not an evil act, rather it is something legislated.  So what was it that Ibn Mas`ood was criticizing from them?  It was the manner in which they were doingthikr.  So therefore afterwards when the major innovation appeared, the innovation of the Khawaarij those people went with whom?  They went along with the Khawaarij.  So therefore the narrator of this report said, “So I saw most of the people of those circles fighting against us (meaning the people who were with `Alee radiyAllaahu `anhu) on the Day of Nahrawaan.”  So see, this is a witness that emphasizes for us what the author rahimahullaah is saying, that innovation if it is taken lightly, people justifying it, it will continue until it becomes something major and until maybe it will lead the person to exiting/shooting out from the Religion; and the best example of that is the Khawaarij and the extreme Raafidah Shee`ah and the Baatiniyyah and the ones who follow their path.”