Monday, January 28, 2013

Issue of Mocking the Prophet (Peace and blessing be upon him) by Shaykh Saalim At-Taweel

The Eemaan of Aboo Bakr radiyallahu ‘anhu

Ishaaq ibn Ibraheem al-Handhalee (ar-Raawhawaih) said:
Ibn al-Mubaarak came to ar-Rayy and one of the worshippers stood up, it was thought he followed the way of the Khawaarij. He said to Ibn al-Mubaarak: ‘O Aboo ‘Abdur-Rahmaan! What do you say about someone who commits adultery, steals, and ddrinks alcohol? He said:
“I do not say he has left Eemaan. “ The worshipper said:
‘O Aboo ‘Abdur-Rahmaan, upon old ago you have become a Murjee? He replied:
“Do not call us Murj’ia. The Murjiah say, all of our good deeds are accepted and all of our sins are forgiven. If I knew that my deeds were accepted, I would have testified that I am going to Paradise. “
The he related from the Ibn Shawdhan, from the Muhammad ibn Juhaadah, from Salamah ibn Khaleel, from Hazeel ibn Sharkeel, who said: Umar ibn al-Khattaab, radiyallahu ‘anhu, said:

“If the Eemaan of Aboo Bakr was to be weighed, it would be greater than the Eemaan of all the people of the Earth.”

[Also related by ‘Abdullah ibn Ahmad in as-Sunnah[821]]
Source: The Creed of Pious Predecessors – The People of Hadeeth by The Great Imaam Aboo ‘Uthmaan Isma’eel ibn ‘Abudrrahmaan As- Saaboonee, Page 66

Is it permissible to offer two Witr prayers in one night?

Question:Is it permissible to offer two Witr prayers in one night?
Answer:No one should offer two Witr prayers in one night because the Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) said: There cannot be two Witr prayers in one night. [1] And he (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) also said: Make the end of your prayer at night Witr. [2] And he (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) said: Whoever feared that he will not get up at the end of the night should perform Witr at the beginning of it. And whoever desired to stand at the end of it should pray Witr at the end of the night. [3] If it is easy for the Muslim to perform the night prayer at the end of the night, he should seal his prayer with one Rakah of Witr. Whoever found difficulty in this should perform his Witr at the start of the night. And if Allaah makes it easy for him (after that) to stand in prayer, he should offer what he can in units of two Rakahs, and he need not repeat the Witr, for the first Witr is sufficient for him, according to the aforementioned Hadith which is: There cannot be two Witr prayers in one night. [4]
[1] Abu Dawud no. 1439 and At-Tirmithi no. 470
[2] Al-Bukhari no. 990 and Muslim nos. 151, 751
[3] Muslim no. 755
[4] Abu Dawud no. 1439 and At-Tirmithi no. 470
Shaykh `Abdul-`Azeez Bin Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah Vol. 2 Page 298