Thursday, March 1, 2012

Both His hands are right-handed – Shaikh Al-Albaanee

And both His hands are right-handed
Fataawaa of Shaikh Al-Albaanee
Translated and Arranged by: Isma'eel Alarcon [ Al-Asaalah , Issue #4]
How can we make a combination between the report "with His left Hand" , mentioned in the hadeeth of Ibn 'Umar, radyAllaahu 'anhumaa, in Saheeh Muslim and his, sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, saying: "And both His hands are right-handed?"
There is no contradiction between the two hadeeths that is apparent on the outset. Thus his, sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, saying: "And both His hands are right-handed" is an affirmation of Allaah's statement:
"There is nothing whatsoever like Him (in comparison). And He is the All-Hearer, the All- Seer." [Surah Ash-Shooraa: 11]
So this description, which the Messenger of Allaah, sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, has informed us of is an affirmation of Allaah's removal from any anthropomorphic qualities. Thus, the hand of Allaah is not like the hand of a human being – left-handed and right-handed. On the contrary, both His hands are right-handed, may He be far removed from any defects.
As for the other point, then it is that the report: "with His left hand" is shaadh , [12]  as I have clarified in the checking of " Al-Mustalahaat-ul-Arba'ah Al-Waaridah feel-Qur'aan " (no. 1) of Al-Mawdoodee. What further supports this is that Abu Dawood also reported this hadeeth and (in it, he, sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam ) said, "with His other hand" in the place of "with His left hand." This report is in conformity with his, sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, other saying: "And both His hands are right- handed." And Allaah knows best.
[12 ] Translator's Note: A shaadh hadeeth is a hadeeth reported by a reliable narrator, which contradicts (the report  of) a narrator that is more trustworthy than him.

Story of Three persons blocked in a Cave – Story from Hadith

Imams Bukhari and Muslim reported that the Messenger sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam said:
"Three persons of a people before you, were on a journey when they were overtaken by a storm and therefore they took shelter in a cave. A rock slipped down from the mountain and blocked the exit from cave.
One of them said: "The only way for deliverance left is to beseech Allah in the name of some virtuous deed." Thereupon one of them supplicated, "O Lord, my parents were very old, I used to offer them their nightly drink of milk before my children and the other members of the family. One day I went astray far away in search of green trees and could return only after my parent had gone to sleep. When I had milked the animals and brought their nightly drink to them, They were fast asleep, but I did not like to disturb them, nor would give any part of the milk to my children and other members of the family till after my parents had their drink. Thus, with the vessel in hand, I awaited their awakening till the flush of dawn, While the children cried out of hunger at my feet. When they woke up, they had their drink. O Lord, if I did this thing seeking only your pleasure, then do relieve us of the distress wrought upon us by this rock." Thereupon, The rock moved a little but that not enough to let them pass out.
Then the second man supplicated: "O Lord, I had a cousin whom I loved her more passionately than any loves a woman. I tried to seduce her but she would have none of me, till in a season of great hardship due to famine, she approached me (for help) and I gave her one hundred and twenty Dinars on condition that she would have sexual intercourse with me. She agreed, and when we got together and I was just going to have intercourse with her, she pleaded: ‘Fear Allah, and do not break the seal unlawfully’; whereupon I moved away from her, despite the fact that I desired her most passionately; and I let her keep the money I had given her. O Lord, if I did this thing seeking only your pleasure, then do move the distress in which we find ourselves." Again the rock moved a little but not enough to let them pass out.
Then the third supplicated: "O Lord, I hired some laborers and paid them their dues, but one of them left leaving behind what was due to him. I invested it in business and the business prospered greatly." After a time the laborer came Back and said: ‘O servant of Allah, hand over to me my wages.’ I said to him: ‘All that you see is yours – camels, cattle, goats and slaves.’ He said: ‘Don’t play joke with me, O servant of Allah.’ I assured him: ‘I am mot joking.’ So he took all of it sparing nothing. O Lord, If I did this seeking only for your pleasure, do relieve us of our distress."
The rock then moved away, and all the three came out of the cave safe and sound.

How to Seek Nearness (Tawassul) to Allaah – ibn Baaz


What is the general precept (guideline) for seeking nearness to Allah, The Lofty and Majestic?
Seeking nearness (tawassul) to Allah through utilization of His Names and Qualities is something that has been legislated for the Muslim, and it is from the means of obtaining a response to supplication; According to the statement of Allah, The Mighty and Majestic:
وَلِلّهِ الأَسْمَاء الْحُسْنَى فَادْعُوهُ بِهَا
“And to Allah belongs the best name, so call on Him by way of them.”
(Surah al-a’raaf 7:180)
As well as what has been affirmed by him صلى الله عليه و سلّم in many narrations from seeking nearness to Allah by way of His Names and Attributes. It has also been legislated seeking nearness to Allah, Glorified is He: by believing in Him, loving Him, and by the rest of the righteous actions.
From that, is having love for the prophets of Allah, His messengers, as well as the believers from amongst His slaves. Also from that is seeking nearness to Allah with righteousness toward the parents, abstaining from committing illegal sexual intercourse, and fulfilling the trust; Due to the authentic narration that has come in the story of the companions of the cave, those who the boulder had closed in upon them and they were unable to move it. There were three of them, and so they supplicated to Allah, Glorified is He, and they sought nearness to Him by way of their righteous actions, so the boulder was removed for them.
Their report has been affirmed in the two sahihs (Bukhari & Muslim). The first of them sought nearness through his righteousness to his parents, the second by his abstention from illegal sexual intercourse after having the ability to do so, and the third by way of fulfilling the trusts for the people who entrusted him. And Allah is the One who grants success!
Translated by: Abu Nasir Saalik ibn Baldwin
ما هو ضابط التوسل بالله جل وعلا؟
التوسل بالله وبأسمائه وصفاته مشروع للمسلم وهو من أسباب إجابة الدعاء؛ لقول الله عز وجل: وَلِلّهِ الأَسْمَاء الْحُسْنَى فَادْعُوهُ بِهَا، ولما ثبت عنه صلى الله عليه وسلم في أحاديث كثيرة من التوسل إلى الله بأسمائه وصفاته.
ويشرع التوسل أيضاً إلى الله سبحانه: بالإيـمان به وبمحبته وبسائر الأعمال الصالحة، ومن ذلك محبة أنبياء الله ورسله والمؤمنين من عباده، ومن ذلك التوسل ببر الوالدين والعفة عن الزنا، وأداء الأمانة؛ للحديث الصحيح الوارد في قصة أصحاب الغار الذين انطبقت عليهم الصخرة، وعجزوا عن دفعها، وكانوا ثلاثة، فدعوا الله سبحانه وتوسلوا إليه بأعمالهم الصالحة فانزاحت عنهم الصخرة، وحديثهم ثابت في الصحيحين، وكان أحدهم توسل ببره لوالديه، والثاني بعفته عن الزنا بعد القدرة، والثالث بأدائه الأمـانة لأصحابها. والله الموفق

Should I take my Shahada and Ghusul Over? – By Shaykh Uthaymeen Should I take my Shahada and Ghusul Over? – By Shaykh Uthaymeen

If the person repents and returns to his Lord after having left off the prayer, is it upon him to pronounce the Shahada (testimony of faith) again, and to take a ghusul (ritual shower for purification)?
Shaykh Uthaymeen:
If the person who did not pray repents to Allah the Exalted and begins to pray again, then he will be a Muslim due to his prayer; because the person who becomes a disbeliever due to leaving something, he becomes a Muslim when he begins to perform this action. And in this very prayer he will say, ‘I bear witness that nothing has the right to be worshipped except for Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and messenger.
As for taking the ghusul, then this is based upon the view that the ghusul is an obligation when the disbeliever enters into Islam. Thus those who say that when the disbeliever enters into Islam the ghusul is an obligation upon him they hold the view that the person who begins to pray again must make ghusul. As for those who say that it is not obligatory for the disbeliever who enters into Islam to make ghusul, they say it is not obligatory for this person to make ghusul. And there is no doubt that it is better for the person to make ghusul as to exit from the difference of opinion between the scholars and to free himself from blame.

He Lost The Woman, and He Lost His Religion

Ibn al-Qayyim (Rahimahullah) narrated:
It is reported that in Egypt, there was a man who would maintain the mosques, making the call to prayer, etc. He was, by all outward means, an obedient person and devout worshipper.
One day, as he usually would, he ascended the minaret to make the call to prayer. At the base of the minaret, there was a Christian woman standing. He saw her, and was seduced by her looks. So, he descended the minaret, went to her, and entered her home. She said to him: “Who are you, and what do you want?”
He replied: “I want you.”
She said: “Why?”
He said: “You have enslaved my eyes, and you have captured my heart.”
She said: “I will never answer your desire in a doubtful or suspicious manner.”
He said: “Ok, so, I will marry you, then.”
She said: “You are a Muslim, and I am a Christian. My father will never allow me to marry you.”
He said: “So, I will become a Christian.”
She said: “If you wish to do so, go ahead.“
So, the man became a Christian in order to marry this woman, and lived with the woman’s family in her house. Later on that day, however, he was on the roof of the house. He fell from the roof and died without even having enjoyed his new bride. So, he lost the woman, and he lost his religion.”
Ad-Da’ wad-Dawa, page.127 of Ibn Al-Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah (Rahimahullaah)

Education Of Children In Islaam – Sheikh Saalih al-Fawzan Education Of Children In Islaam – Sheikh Saalih al-Fawzan