Monday, February 6, 2012


ما كان لله بقي
"What is done solely for Allaah remains"
Imaam Maalik (may Allaah have Mercy on him)

The truth is a clear path of honesty, good and wholesome throughout.
Whoever believes that trickery and deception can aid the truth is concealing a rotten and corrupt heart. 
There is no escape from the people's plots and plans and widespread corruption, and no refuge anywhere...
except by fleeing to Allaah alone, the Mighty and Majestic.

حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل

Quote from Moosaa Richardson.

Fathers whose Children will Intercede for Them on the Day of Judgement

Questioner: What kind of intercession is it that a child will do for his father when his father was someone who had given an aqiqah on behalf of that child? [The Aqiqah being the Sunnah of sacrificing two sheep for the new-born boy and one for the girl]
Al-Albaani: It is known in many hadiths that on the Day of Resurrection there will be young children standing at the gate of Paradise, crying and asking for their fathers. So Allaah the Blessed and Most High will send Jibreel عليه السلام to ask them why they are crying–even though He the Blessed and Most High knows better about them–so Jibreel عليه السلام will ask them why and they will reply, saying, ‘We will not enter Paradise except that our fathers are with us.’ So the Lord of the Worlds will give permission to them and their fathers to enter Paradise.
So this type of intercession, i.e., hastening entry into Paradise, is what those fathers who offered aqiqah’s on behalf of their children, i.e., sacrificed on their behalf when they were born, deserve.
Al-Huda wan-Noor, no. 16.

Listening to the Tapes of the Innovators – Shaykh Muqbil bin Haadee al-Waadi’ee

Shaykh Muqbil bin Haadee al-Waadi’ee on Listening to the Tapes of the Innovators
Audio and Translation Source:
Internet Source

When he comes, Imaam Mahdi will not be able to do More than what the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم did by Ahmed Abu Turaab

Shaikh al-Albaani said, “O my brother Muslim, know that many of the Muslims today have strayed from the truth in this issue. From them are those who hold it to be a settled fact that an Islamic state will not be established except with the emergence of the Mahdi! And this is a myth and is misguidance which the devil throws into the hearts of many of the masses, especially the Sufis among them–and there is nothing in the hadiths of the Mahdi which indicates that at all.
Rather, all of those hadiths do not go beyond the fact that the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم gave glad tidings to the Muslims of [the coming of] a man from his household, and he described him with outstanding characteristics, the most important of them being the fact that he will judge by Islaam and spread justice amongst mankind.
So in reality, he is one of the revivers which Allaah sends at the head of every one hundred years, as is authentically reported from him صلى الله عليه وسلم. So just as that [i.e., the emergence of a reviver at the head of every one hundred years] does not necessitate the abandonment of striving to seek knowledge and acting upon it to revive the religion, then likewise, the emergence of the Mahdi does not mean relying totally on him [tawaakul] without making preparations and without taking steps to establish Allaah’s rule on earth.
Rather the opposite of that is correct. For indeed the Mahdi’s efforts will not be greater than those of our Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم who spent twenty-three years working to establish the foundations of Islaam and its state–so what can the Mahdi possible do if he emerged today and found the Muslims split into sects and groups, and [found] their [bad] scholars, except for a few of [the good ones among] them, to have been taken as heads by the people! He would not be able to establish the nation state of Islaam except after uniting their word and uniting their ranks, under one banner, and this without doubt requires a long time which Allaah knows best as to just how long.
So both the Legislation and the intellect demand that the sincere Muslims carry out this obligation such that when the Mahdi does come, he will not be required except to lead them to victory and if he doesn’t come [in their time, then at the very least] they will have fulfilled what was obligatory upon them, and Allaah says, “And say, ‘Do [as you will], for Allaah will see your deeds, and [so will] His Messenger …’” [Tawbah 9:105]
As-Saheehah, 4/42-43.

The Servant Will Not Acquire the Status of the Muttaqeen Until...

At-Tirmidhee and Ibn Maajah narrated that `Atiyah As-Sa`di said that the Messenger of Allah (sall`Allahu `alayhi wasallam) said,
«لَا يَبْلُغُ الْعَبْدُ أَنْ يَكُونَ مِنَ الْمُتَّقِينَ حَتَّى يَدَعَ مَالَا بَأْسَ بِهِ حَذَرًا مِمَّا بِهِ بَأْس»

The servant will not acquire the status of the Muttaqeen until he abandons what is harmless out of fear of falling into that which is harmful.” At-Tirmidhee then said, "Hasan Ghareeb.''

Some Affairs of Disbelief and foolishness: The Nusayriyyah (Syrian Alawite Rawaafid)

In The Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful The Bestower of Mercy
Shaikh Abu Umar Usaamah Al-Uthaybee (may Allaah preserve him) said:
Those Nusayriyyah are disbelievers and heretics. They believe or speak with the trinity. The trinity of the Nusayriyyah are (letters):
ع ، م ، س
 ‘Ayn’ meaning: Ali Ibn Abee Taalib (radiyallaahu-anhu)
 meaning: Muhammad (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam)
 meaning: Salmaan Al-Faarisee (radiyallaahu-anhu)
Ali (radiyallaahu-anhu) is the Ilaah (i.e. the god or object of worship).  Muhammad (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) is the means of approach to the god or object of worship and Salmaan Al-Faarisee (radiyallaahu-anhu) is the shelter.   And from the amazing affairs of these Nusayriyyah is that when a person dies, they would dislocate his left hand.  And why is this? So that he will not receive his book of deeds with his left hand, and will (instead) receive it with his right hand. [end of quote]

We ask Allaah to protect us from the beliefs of all the disbelievers, especially that of the different sects and groups of the Shia Rawaafid.  Shaikh Abu Umar Usaamah Al-Uthaybee (may Allaah preserve him) is one of the students of Al-Allaamah Rabee Bin Hadee al-Madkhali (may Allaah preserve him). The full audio and transcript of Shaikh Abu Umar’s speech can be downloaded at It is a transmission of Al-Allaamah Saaleh Al- Luhaydaan’s (may Allaah preserve him) verdict against the Nusayriyyah of Syria.
Translated by: Abu Mu-aawiyyah (Abdullaah Al-Gambi)

The Companions and the Time they Found the Body of the Prophet Daanyaal by Ahmed Abu Turaab

The story which the ‘Imaams of the Da’wah’ report in some of their books, that some of the Companions found the body of the Prophet Daanyaal and so dug thirteen graves for it [such that they would bury him in one of them] so that the people would be unable to locate it, how far is this narration authentic?
Al-Albaani: Firstly, at the start of your question you mentioned, the ‘Imaams of theDa’wah, who are you referring to with that phrase?
Questioner: Shaikh Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhaab’s grandchildren.
Al-Albaani: But nowadays it usually refers to the Tablighi Jamaa’ah.
Questioner: I didn’t mean that.
Al-Albaani: You didn’t mean that but your wording gave that false impression, that’s why, according to what I understood [when you used that term], I found it strange that you attributed that to them because those people [i.e., Jamaa’atut-Tabligh] do not give important to such noble issues at all.
Questioner: True.
Al-Albaani: [Anyway], what is important is that this narration has an authentic, established basis, having many paths of narration. Right now I do not recall whether the particular details that you mentioned are correct. But what is important is that they really did find [his body] and then dug [the earth] and caused a river to flow over him [i.e., over the grave] such that it was not possible to go to it and glorify it or for it to be worshipped instead of Allaah the Blessed and Most High, this is established.
Al-Hudaa wan-Noor, 304.