Source: Fiqh ul-Asmaa il-Husnaa; Chapter 55, p. 217-220
“Al-Qadeer, al-Qaadir, al-Muqtadir – (the All-Powerful)”
Shaykh ‘Abd ur-Razzaaq al-Badr (hafidhahullaah) comments:
“All of these Names are mentioned in the Qur’aan, and the most-mentioned one is al-Qadeer, then al-Qaadir, then al-Muqtadir. And all of them demonstrate that Power is established as an Attribute of Allaah, and that He, subhaanah, has Absolute Power; so by His Power He brought the creation into being, and by His Power He gives life and gives death, and will resurrect the slaves for recompense, and He will reward the one who did good for his doing good, and the one who did evil for his doing evil, the One who if He wills something, He says to it: Be – and it is; and by His Power He turns the hearts to whatever He wills, and He guides whoever He wills and leads astray whoever He wills.
And due to His Absolute Power, no one can compass any of His Knowledge except what He wills to teach him, and due to His Absolute Power, He created the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them in six days and no fatigue touched Him; and no one from His creation can make Him incapable, the One whose Power is free from fatigue and inability to do what He wants; and due to His Absolute Power, everything is under His disposal, so whatever He wills will be and whatever He doesn’t will will never be.
And indeed for having eemaan (faith) in the Power of Allaah, ‘azza wa jal – which His Names ‘Al-Qadeer, Al-Qaadir, Al-Muqtadir’ demonstrate – there are great effects and blessed fruits that return to the slave in his worldly life and hereafter. Hence, part of its blessed fruits is that it strengthens – in the slave – seeking the help of Allaah; and part of its effects is having complete patience and being well-pleased with Allaah. Ibn ul-Qayyim, rahimahullaah, said: ‘Whoever fills his heart with ridhaa (being pleased) with the Qadr(Decree), Allaah will fill his chest with contentment and He will free his heart for loving Him, turning to Him in repentance and putting his trust in Him; and whoever misses his portion of ridhaa, his heart will be filled with the opposite of that, and he will be distracted from what his happiness and success are in.’
And part of its effects is a person’s safety from the diseases of the hearts such as rancor, envy and the like, because of his belief that all the affairs are by the decree of Allaah, ‘azza wa jal, and that He, subhaanah, is the One who gives His slaves and decrees their provisions for them. So He gives whoever He wills and prevents whoever He wills, as the grace is His Grace, subhaanah, and the gift is His Gift, and this is why it is said about the envious one that he is the enemy of Allaah’s blessing upon His slaves. And part of its effects is always asking Allaah and making a lot of du’aa to Him, because all the affairs are in His Hand.”
القَادِر Al-Qaadir The Fully Able One
القَدِير Al-Qadeer The All Powerful
المُقْتَدِر Al-Muqtadir The Omnipotent