
Dawah skills - ( English )

Choosing faith - ( English )

The Prophet Dawah Methodology [ Khalid I. Al-Anayshah Al-Dossary ] - ( English )

Peace in Islam - Yasir Qadhi - ( English )

The Prophet mohammed and the solar eclipse - ( English )

Facets of Islam - Peace [ Yusuf Estes ] - ( English )

Are you being grateful?? - ( English )

How to Acquire Happiness? [ Abdurraheem Green ] - ( English )

Shaikh Naser Al-Qatami's recitation of the Quran - ( English )

Shaikh Mohammed Abdul Kareem's recitation of the Quran [ Muhammad AbdulKareem ] - ( English )

Shaikh Mohammed Ayub's recitation of the Quran with the translation of verses into English language [ Muhammad Ayyob ] - ( English )

Advice to Muslim Women [ Khalid Yaaseen ] - ( English )

Dawah in the West [ Khalid Yaaseen ] - ( English )

One of the Most Amazing Miracle [ Yusuf Estes ] - ( English )

Responsibilities of Muslim Women [ Khalid Yaaseen ] - ( English )

How to Attain Peace? - ( English )

Racism and Youth Issues [ Khalid Yaaseen ] - ( English )

Love and loyalty for Allah and his Messenger [ Khalid Yaaseen ] - ( English )

Islam and the Media [ Khalid Yaaseen ] - ( English )

What do you really know about Islam? [ Khalid Yaaseen ] - ( English )

The Historical Jesus [ Khalid Yaaseen ] - ( English )

Aqeedah Al-Hamawiyah | Ali At-Tamimi

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 

Sharh of al-Aqîdah al-Wâsitiyyah | Ali At-Tamimi

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 4 Cont | Part 5 | Part 6 

The Reality of Iman | Ammar Amonette

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 

The Need To Rule By Allah's Laws | Ammar Amonette

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 

Explanation of 40 Hadeeth An-Nawawi

From the book Al-Minhatu Ar-Rabbaaniyah Fee Sharh Al-Arba'een An-Nawawiyah by Shaikh Saalih Al-Fawzaan.
In this class, we begin the explanation of hadeeth #7.

In this class we continue reading chapter #15

Abridged biography of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam by Imam Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab.

In this class we continue the chapter of patience.

In this class we continue the explanation of the last pillar of Eemaan, to believe in the Qadar.

Taken from the book Aqeedatu-Tawheed by Sheikh Saaleh al-Fawzaan, hafithahullah.

From the book Al-Mulakhas fee Sharh Kitaabit-Tawheed by Sheikh Saaleh al-Fawzaan.

In this class we read Chapter 15: The Saying of Allah, "Do they make partners with that which has not created anything, and they are themselves created..."

The Following are the links to other lectures @

Shaik Nasiruddin Albanee

A distinguished scholar who devoted his life to the Sunnah and is considered to be the mujaddid of the era.  He received documented ijazaat from the hadith scholars, Shaykh Muhammad Raaghib at-Tabbaagh and Shaykh Bahjatul-Baytaar (the chain of narration for this ijazah stretches back to Ahmad ibn Hanbal).  The latter ijazah in particular is also given only to those who have excelled in hadeeth sciences and can be trusted to accurately convey hadeeth
Check Shaik's [ Articles & Books ]

Lecture 01. The Time of The Strangers (courtesy:
This is the translation of a set of tapes from the famous Silsilatul-Hudaa wa Noor series by Imaam al-Albaanee. 
He gives an extremely beneficial lecture establishing the foundational principles of Al Islam.
 The Shaykh points out that this is time of the Ghurabah (strangers). Those people who oppose the Sunnah and spread of innovation ann the strange thing in this is these innovations are coming from our Brothers who attribute themselves to following the Sunnah.
Many of these people are one who try to defend the Sunnah The Shaykh Explains how can One who Love the Sunnah Oppose it. the Shaykh Gives an Example of the People Saying Ameen in the Congregational Prayers Behind the Imam, and the error in the Ameen people make.
The Shaykh Also in this lecture discusses some beliefs of the Khawarij and the rejection of some of the Quran and Sunnah and still they are persistent to be followers of the Sunnah. The Shaykh Also Discuses Some of the errors of the Mu'tazilah and how they twist and interpret Islam with philosophical rational with regards to Aqeedah.
The Shaykh concludes his lecture discussing what was the call of the Sahabah, when Muadh ibn Jabal was sent to Yemen. The Shaykh Also Refutes the Qadiyani's (Followers of Ghulam Ahmed Mirza) these people have come about in today’s time not a century has passed and we’ve  the emergence of these deviants.
Lecture 02. Why it is Obligatory to Ascribe Oneself to Salafiyah 
Listen to the Imaam of Salafiyyah recount his encounter with a man who does not feel that it is obligatory for one to ascribe himself openly to the truth – the madhhab of the Salaf.

Lecture 04. The Obligation Of Hijrah  -

Abu Talha Dawood Burbank

Aboo Talhah was a student at the Islaamic University of al-Madeenah. He currently resides in Birmingham, England, where he is involved in teaching various classes, such as Kitaabut-Tawheed, Silsilatul-Ahaadeethus-Saheehah and in the translations of various books of knowledge. He is one of the pioneers of this noble da'wah in the West and although he isn't in the spotlight, his work has been pivotal towards the spread of as-sunnah in the English language and he is from the most senior du'aat in the West.

  1. Aqeeda
    1. [] Explanation Of Aqeedatut-Tahaawiyyah 1A - 1B - 1C - 1D - 1E - 1F
      This is part one of sixty CDs or tapes in explanation of the Belief of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah called Aqeedatut-Tahaawiyyah with the explanation of Shaikh Al-Fawzaan.
  2. Tawheed
    1. Ruboobiyah
      1. [] Signs of Allaahs Love for His Creation -
        A concise explanation of the ‘aqeedah of Ahlus-Sunnah in the muhabbah (love) of Allaah. From the chief distorters of this attribute are the Jahmiyyah, the followers of Jahm Ibn Safwaan, a refutation of their interpolated misguidance is presented. In regards to the matter of muhabbah, Ibnul-Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (d. 751H) is quoted in refutation and sharp contrast between the ‘aqeedah of Ahlus-Sunnah in opposition to the Jahmiyyah [1]. Stated Ibnul-Qayyim al-Jawziyyah in madaarijus-saalikeen, ‘Allaah’s loving his beloved servant, his Prophets and Messengers, this muhabbah is an attribute of His. It is something additional to His Mercy, His treating them nobly and to His giving to them. All of these things are the effect and result of Allaah’s Love. So, because Allaah loves these people, then He grants them a great share of His Mercy, His being good to them and His fine treatment of them… Whereas, the Jahmiyyah, in their view, Allaah does not love and Allaah is not loved. They (the Jahmiyyah) were not able to out-rightly deny and reject the text is this regard. So they resorted to ta’weel (interpolation) concerning the servant’s loving Allaah.’
    2. Asma wa Sifat
      1. [] Explanation of the 99 names of Allah Part 1/8 - from youtube

Abul Abbaas Musa Richardson

  1. Innovation
    1. [] Wiping One's Face after Du'aa, An Innovation? -
      A discussion on the hadeeth concerning wiping one's face after making du'aa. Review: Some explanation mentioned from Imaam Ibn Baaz and others concerning the acceptable narrations concerning wiping one's hands over one's face after making du'aa.
    2. Refuting Ashariyyah
      1. [] Clarifying Asharee Doubts -
      2. [] The Tricky Question, 'Your Qur'aanic Recitation - Created or the Speech of Allaah?'
        Excerpted from the audio lecture 'Affirmation of the Hands of Allaah and His Descending' from the 'Aqeedah Class (Summer '07) based on the Haa'iyyah poem of the famous scholar Ibn Abee Daawood as-Sijistaanee.
      3. [] Denying the Hands of Allaah, Relegating the Attributes to Seven -
        - Excerpted from the audio lecture 'Affirmation of the Hands of Allaah and His Descending' from the 'Aqeedah Class (Summer '07) based on the Haa'iyyah poem of the famous scholar Ibn Abee Daawood as-Sijistaanee.
        - From the points discussed:
        (1).The Denial of the (Right) Hands of Allaah, interpreting and explaining them away logically instead of sticking to the texts.
        (2).The lack of evidence for the Ashaa'irah to relegate Allaah's Attributes to Seven, the ludicracy of affirming Sight and Hearing for Allaah yet negating other Attributes
      4. [] The Qur'an is Created (Indecisiveness Concerning the Speech of Allaah) -
        - Excerpted from the audio lecture 'Speaking Decisively about the Qur’aan Being the Speech of Allaah' from the 'Aqeedah Class (Summer '07) based on the Haa'iyyah poem of the famous scholar Ibn Abee Daawood as-Sijistaanee. 

        - From the points discussed: 
        (1) Clarifying the Ash'aree doubt concerning the ayah: Verily, this is the Word (this Qur'an brought by) a most honourable messenger [Jibreel (Gabriel), from Allaah to the Prophet Muhammad (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam)]. (At-Takwir 81:19) Their claim that the speech of Jibreel is created and therefore the Qur'an is created and not the speech of Allaah!
        (2) The deficient nature of one who cannot speak and how this does not befit the Lord of Creation. 
    3. [] From the Beliefs of the 'Nation of Islam' -
      A brief overview of the creed of the 'Nation of Islam' (based on their own declarations). A Black American movement who ascribe themselves to Islaam. Looking at the beliefs published by the Nation of Islam in their publication (The Final Call), the speaker compares their open statements with that of the pure Islamic creed. Extracted from class 7 of 12 from the ‘Aqeedah Course of the 2007 Summer Islaamic Courses in Toronto, Canada .
    4. [] Is Differing a Rahmah? What Should We be United upon? -
      An important session considering that we live in a era of multiple groups and parties, all claiming to be upon the Sunnah, some upon separate paths, others supposedly cooperating in the name of ‘unity’ yet completely divided in their beliefs and aspirations, desiring to unite people upon falsehood, agreeing to be silent about deviation, hizbiyyah and utter opposition to the pure Islaamic ‘Aqeedah, all disguised by the pure and beautiful term of ‘Islamic Unity.’
      “Ikhtilaaf is not a rahmah, when one person claims that an issue is halaal and another comes and claims it is haraam, this is not the rahmah of Allaah, rather the rahmah is in the Sunnah and holding to unity and holding to what is correct from the book and the Sunnah and being united upon what is correct…and it is not division and separating in to opinions that oppose each other and clash, this is division and this is prohibited…”
  2. Salah
    1. [] Who Leads the Salaah? -
      An important research and study of the issue of leadership in prayers. A variety of situations are discussed towards understanding the correct principles with regards to the Imaamah and rights of those who lead the salaah. 
  3. Tazkiya
    1. [] Allah Loves for You Three Things and Hates for You Three Things -
      A khutbah reviewing a wonderful hadeeth mentioning three important things to gain Allaah’s pleasure and three things to abandon in order to avoid Allaah’s displeasure.
      The Messenger (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said,
      “Verily Allaah loves three things for you and he hates three things for you. He loves that you worship Him alone, and that you do not join anyone else in your worship of him and that you do not worship other than him, He loves that you hold tight altogether to the rope of Allaah and that you do not be divided….... And Allaah hates for you hearsay (he said and she said – qeela wa qaal – spreading rumours), he hates for you excessive questioning (questioning that brings about no benefit), thirdly, he hates for you the wasting of money.”
  4. Tawheed
    1. [] The Evils of Harry Potter and the Kufr of Magic -
      An important lecture on the topic of Magic, more specifically how it has found its way in to Muslim homes by way of books, video games and other media, usually under the guise of fiction and educational benefit. The evil characteristics of magic are outlined with examples from the Qur’aan and the Sunnah in addition to an analysis of the Harry Potter phenomena (a magic-laden fictionally trilogy) which has grasped the attention span of children around the world with remarkably ability.
      From the topics discussed:
       Protecting ones’ self and one’s family from the shaytaanv- * The responsibility of guardianship/parenthood - * The verdicts on magic according to the Qur’aan and Sunnah - * The types of magic (illusionary and afflictive) - * Black magic, white Magic – good and bad magic? - * Harry Potter; his character, companions, teachers, passions and goals - * Examples of the magic contained in the Harry Potter books - * Divination – predicting the future - * The position of the sharee’ah concerning fiction

Aboo Ismaaeel Mustafa George

A graduate of the Islaamic University in Madeenah. Aboo Ismaa'eel (1997-2004) is a native of New York who is known to some of the Scholars of Islaam. He has narrated and taught from the works of the 'Ulamaa in the United States and Trinidad & Tobago.
  • 3 years Arabic language program under Khalid wadadi, Quran with Mohammad Ayyoob , Studied at the Faculty of Hadith and benefited from: Sh. Mohammad ibn Hadi Al Madkhalee, Sh. Abdur Rahman Al Shibel, Sh. Abdullah Ateeq , Sh. Abdullah Al Murad
  • Studied under Sh. Abdul Muhsin Al Abbaad (7 years) and some of the books studied:
    • Sunan Al Nisai (end part) , Sunan Abu Dawood (complete) , Sunan Tirmidhi / Jamiya A-Tirmidhi , 40 Hadiths of Imaam Nawawi, The book of Rulership from Sahih Muslim, * Etiquettes of walking to Salaah by Abdul Wahaab.
  • Studied under Sh. Rabee [2½ years (1 ½ years in Madinah, and 1 year in Mecca)]: The book of supplication by Ibnul Qayyum, The summarized Zaad Ul Maad, AShariya (partial)
  • Studied under Sh. Ubaid-ul-Jabiree (5 years): Kitaabu Tawheed & Kitaabul Hajj (ibn Baaz), Sharh Sunnah (imam Barbaharee), Usool Sunnah (Imaam Ahmad), The Obligation – Abdullah Al Qarawi, Summarised Sahih Muslim (partial)
  • Studied under Sh. Salih Al Sohaimi : The character of the prophet (muhsin Al Abbaad),The Aqeeda of the salaf
  • Sh. Abdur Razzak Al Abbad : Kitaabu Tawheed, Names and Attributes of Allah, Adaab al Mufrad (Bukhari), And other books
  • Sh. Ibrahim Ar-Ruhaili: Names and attributes of Allah (Sh. Uthaymeen) (complete),Riyadus Saliheen (partial) Sharh Sunnah (complete)
  1. Knowledge
    1. Importance of Gaining Knowledge part 01
    2. Importance of Gaining Knowledge part 02
    3. Referring back to the Ulaama prt1
    4. Referring back to the Ulaama prt2
  2. Ummah
    1. Brotherhood prt1
    2. Brotherhood prt2
  3. Aqeeda & Fiqh
    1. Class 1A Qawaid Al Araba
    2. Class 1B Qawaid Al Araba
    3. Class 2A Qawaid Al Araba
    4. Class 3A Qawaid Al Araba
  4. Class 3B Qawaid Al Araba

Abu Hakeem Bilaal Davis
Aboo Hakeem was a student at the Islaamic University of al-Madeenah. He travels to various countries giving da’wah. He is also close to some of the major Scholars of today, such as Shaykh ’Ubayd al-Jaabiree.
    1. Innovation
      1. [] A Warning Against The Evils Of Ghuloo Extremism
      2. [] Perpetrators of Corruption in Our Times
    2. Character - Akhlaq - Tazkiya
      1. Seeking forgiveness and mercy of Allah
      2. [] Satan - The Unseen Enemy - Part 0102 - 03
        lecture on how to protect yourself from satan and to beware of his wicked ways and arming your self with..
    3. Final Journey
      1. [] The Overwhelming Day
    4. Ummah
      1. [] Reasons for Destruction of the Muslims
    5. Dawah
      1. [] Verily in the Creation are Signs -
        ‘Stated ‘Alee Ibn Abee Taalib (radiyallaahu anhu), ‘Indeed the dunyaa is travelling away from us and the hereafter is coming towards us, and for both of them they have children, so be from the children of the hereafter and do not be from the children of the dunyaa because today is action and no reckoning and tomorrow is reckoning and no action.’
      2. The Manhaj of the Prophets in Giving Dawah
      3. The Role Of Women In Dawah
    6. Family
      1. Encouraging Ones Family upon Good
    7. Knowledge
      1. The Path to Guidance
        A Lecture from the seminar in Bristol, England (Summer, 2001).
    8. Aqeeda & Fiqh
      1. Masaail al-Jaahiliyah of Shaikh al-Islaam Muhammad Ibn Abdul-Wahhaab-1A -- 1B
        An introduction to the great work, Masaa'il al-Jahiliyah of Shaikh al-Islaam Muhammad Ibn 'Abdul-Wahhaab.
    9. Ramadhan
      1. [] The Month of Ramadaan -
        A reminder about Ramadaan; its legislation and rewards. Aboo Hakeem Bilaal Davis expounds upon the virtues of ‘the month of taqwaa’ over this twenty-seven minute khutbah.
      2. The Rulings of Ramadhaan
      3. End of Ramadan
      4. [] Importance Of The Quraan in Ramadaan
    10. Sins
      1. The fitnah of women
    11. Seerah
      1. [] Life Of The Prophet Part 1
      2. [] Life Of The Prophet Part 2
      3. [] 'Aa'ishah: The 'Aallimah, The Daa'iyah -
        - Aboo Hakeem Bilaal Davis delivers a lecture rich in ahaadeeth and fruitful narrations concerning the ‘Aallimah (Scholar) and Daa’iyah (Caller to Islaam); Ummul-Mu'mineen, ‘Aa’ishah (radi 'Allaahu anha). “A fine example for the one who wishes to emanate righteous women”.
        - Review: A lecture from the seminar in Philadelphia/New Jersey (2002). One of the du’aat from England, Aboo Hakeem Bilaal Davis delivers a lecture rich in ahaadeeth and fruitful narrations concerning the ‘Aallimah (Scholar) and Daa’iyah (Caller to Islaam); Ummul-Mu'mineen, ‘Aa’ishah (radiyallaahu 'anhaa). A fine example for the Muslim woman who wishes to emulate the Sunnah. Aboo Hakeem demonstrates the actualisation of the Sunnah at the hands of 'The Mother of the Believers’. Several examples form the life of the noble companion and wife of the Messenger (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) are brought forth in order to demonstrate clinging to the Sunnah.
        - The Prophet (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) said, “Verily rifq (gentleness) does not exist in something, except that it beautifies it. And it is not taken out of something, except that it harms it.” [ Related by Muslim (no. 2592) and Aboo Daawood (no. 4809)]
    12. Tawheed
      1. Reflections In Worship :
        A series of short inspiring talks after every taraaweeh (night) prayer at the Masjid as-Salafi in Birmingham, UK 2007.
        1. [] Reflections In Worship 07 P13
        2. [] Reflections In Worship 07 P16-17
        3. [] Reflections In Worship 07 P21
        4. [] Reflections In Worship 07 P25
        5. [] Reflections In Worship 07 P27
    13. Misc
      1. [] Why Allaah Sends Earthquakes
      2. TeleLink

Shaik Muhammad bin Jamil Zeeno

Teacher in Dar Al-Hadeeth Al-Khairiyyah, Makkah Al-Mukarramah
  • Questions & Answers on `Aqeedah (Based on a book by Jamil Zeeno) - [Part 01 - 43' ] - [Part 02 - 34' ]
    Islamic Creed Based on Qur'an and Sunnah
     - Muhammab bin Jamil Zeeno [PDF] - 63 Pages
    Dar Al-Khair Publishers and Distributors of Islamic Books 

    This tape is recorded at Madina Munawaara for "Invitation to Islam" .

    Islamic Creed Based on Qur'an and Sunnah - Muhammab bin Jamil Zeeno
    Islamic Creed Based on Qur'an and Sunnah - Muhammab bin Jamil Zeeno [PDF] - 63 Pages
    Teacher in Dar Al-Hadeeth Al-Khairiyyah,Makkah Al-Mukarramah
    Dar Al-Khair Publishers and Distributors of Islamic Books
    In this book, all important and fundamental aspects of Islam are described in an easy form of question/answer, so that the basic concepts may be inscribed in the minds of the readers.

Saleh As-Saleh

Dr Saleh As-Saleh (rahimahullaah) was from the foremost students of Shaykh Ibnul-Uthaymeen (rahimahullaah). He took knowledge from the Shaykh from a long distance for a while, then on a continuous basis from 1412-1415H and then regularly from 1415H where he became a dedicated student and studied with him until his death in 1421H. Dr Saleh lived around 500 yards from Shaykh’s Ibnul-Uthaymeen’s house and has been blessed by Allaah to have obtained a PHd in Medical Biochemistry and was a professor at Qaasim University, KSA. Furthermore, he was a well-known author of many great writings and books. He resided in 'Unayzah, KSA and was active in his call to the salafi da’wah. He used to hold regular classes in the English Language on Paltalk.
VIDEO: Defining Eeeman - Dr Saleh As Saleh
The lecture was delivered in Dammam Jaliyat Office, KSA

Alhamdulillah, I am able to upload the audio content to my website, so all the audio files now refer to my website.. so insha Allah , there should be no broken audio links from now on...
Audio Files (mp3)
Advices and Reminders - Topics include: anger - envy - patience - repentance

Pillars of Islam
Pillar1 - The Shahaadah - Testimony of Faith
Explanation of meaning and conditions of Shahaadah

Aromatic Fragrance and Permeating Incense  Biographies of Prophet and Abu Bakr – Q&A Format
Seerah - Merits of the Companion , Successorss Topics include their roles in preserving the Sunnah
Seerah - Merits of the Scholars - Topics include Pearls of Grace and Wisdom
Seerah - Stories of Muslims

Aboo 'Abdullaah Hasan As-Somaalee

One of callers to Salafiyyah, originally from Cardiff, Wales. Hasan has studied for a number of years in Dammaaj, the home of al-’Allaamah Muqbil Ibn Haadee al-Waadi’ee (rahimahullaah). Currently, Aboo 'Abdullaah conducts classes and tele-links in the UK and America.
  1. Sunnah
    1. Importance of Sticking to the Sunnah new !!
  2. Innovation
    1. Al Qaiidah and AlKhawaarij Two Names One Ideology
  3. Character - Akhlaq - Tazkiya
    1. Ibnul Qayyim on the Cause and Effect of Sins
      The Bitter Consequences of Sins - by Imâm Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah . Excellent !!
    2. [] Explanation of the Duaa to alleviate Grief Distress and Anxiety -
      A talk based on the hadeeth discussing the cure for anxiety and grief... Imam Ahmed, Musnad (1/391), and others reported upon the authority of Ibn Mas’ood that the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu 'alahi wa sallam) said: “No slave is afflicted with anxiety and grief, and then says: ‘O Allaah, I am Your slave, son of Your male slave, son of Your female slave. My forehead is in Your hand. Your judgement upon me is assured and whatever you have decreed for me is just. I ask You by every name belonging to You which You have named Yourself with, revealed in Your Book, taught one of Your creation or which You have preserved in the knowledge of the Unseen with You that You make the Qur’aan the spring of my heart and the light of my chest, a banisher for my grief and a reliever for my anxiety.’ Except that Allaah will replace his distress and grief with joy.” He was asked, ‘O Messenger of Allaah, should we not learn it?’ He said, “Ofcourse, whoever hears it should learn it.”
    3. In the Bounty of Allaah and in His Mercy Rejoice
    4. The excellence of modesty and shyness
    5. [] The Battle Between Shaitan and Mankind - Part 01 - 02 -03
  4. Final Journey
    1. Fear The Dunyah - Take Account of Yourself Before You Are Taken Account of - Read thetranscribed lecture
      A fiery sermon delivered in Philadelphia, USA pertaining to the danger of attaching oneself to the worldly affairs and falling into sins and disobedience to Allaah.
    2. Fear The HellFire ! - Part 01 - 02 - 03
  5. Dawah
    1. [] Differences Between the Da'wah of the Salafiyyeen and the Deviant Sects -
      A lecture mentioning several points of clarity with regards to the da’wah of ahlus-sunnah and the da’wah of those who oppose the sunnah. This beneficial sitting outlines the definitive matters which differentiate ahlus-sunnah and ahlul-bid’ah.
    2. [] Advice to the Salafees of the West Concerning Jarh wat-Ta'deel (Disparagement and Praise) -
      An important advice in light of recent false claims and misconceptions in regards to the science of Jarh wat-Ta'deel, propagated on the internet and Paltalk. Amongst the pivotal points discussed:(1) Jarh wat-Ta'deel, is it reserved for the 'Ulamaa? (2) What to do when faced with a Jarh and a Ta'deel of the same individual (3) The Conditions and Benefits of Jarh wat-Ta’deel. The decisive talk is followed by questions and answers.
  6. Family
    1. How to Obtain Marital Bliss
      The Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said, "O young men, those among you who can support a wife should marry, for it restrains the eyes from casting (evil glances), and preserves one from immorality..." A summarisation of a tape entitled, ‘Marital Bliss according to the Qur’aan and the Sunnah’ by al-‘Allaamah ‘Ubayd Ibn 'Abdullaah al-Jaabiree. A concise explanation on1.The wisdom behind marriage 2.Choosing your companion well 3.The importance of having a good walee 4.What to look for in a good husband/wife 5.Your spouse is your responsibility 6.Living together in comfort,treating each other well 7.How does one interact with one’s wivesRead More Here
  7. Women
    1. Jealousy of the Women
  8. Family
    1. [] Advice for Educating the Muslim Children -
  9. Ummah
    1. [] We are brothers -
  10. Seerah
    1. [] Death of the Prophet - Part 01 - 02 -03

Qawaidhul Arba Class links.
Ustaad Fahad Al-Tahiri.

Class 9:

Usooluth Thalaathah

Usooluth Thalaathah Class Links:

Explanation of `Umdatul-Ahkaam

In the following recordings, the Shaykh goes over the book of Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Saalih al-`Uthaymeen (rahimahullaah) titled Tanbeeh al-Afhaam Sharh `Umdatil-Ahkaam.

Tafseer As-Sa`dee

Tafseer - Dars 01 (Soorat an-Naas) - 16-09-2012

Tafseer - Dars 02 (Soorat al-Falaq) - 17-09-2012

Tafseer - Dars 03 (Soorat al-Ikhlaas) 07-10-2012

Tafseer - Dars 04 (Soorat al-Masad) 09-10-2012 


General Lectures from 1433 AH Da`wah Trip to UK

Useful Benefits from the Explanation of The Three Fundamental Principles - 1
Author: Imaam Ibnul-’Uthaymeen (d.1421H)

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