From Sh Fawzaan's explanation of Sharh-us-Sunnah:
The Religion is a matter depending upon texts, and it is ittibaa`, it is to follow, it is not to innovate or originate new things. Originating new things can only be in the field of manufacturing and of worldly benefits. But as for the Religion, then nothing may be newly introduced in it after the passing away of the Messenger sallAllaahu `alayhi wa sallam; because laying down Legislation came to an end with the passing away of the Messenger sallAllaahu `alayhi wa sallam. So there is nothing upon us except al-ittibaa`, to follow, and that we do not introduce anything new from our selves and say, “This is what is fitting for this time.”
Imaam Maalik rahimahullah said, “Nothing will rectify the latter part of this nation, except that which rectified its first part.”[1] That which rectified its first part was the Book and the Sunnah. So nothing will rectify the last part of this nation except for the Book and the Sunnah and following the guidance of the Salafus-Saalih (Pious Predecessors).
[1] This is reported from him by a number of people such ash-Shaatibee in al-I`tisaam and Ibn `Abdil-Haadee in Tanqeehit-Tahqeeq. And perhaps Imaam Maalik took this point of benefit from his teacher Wahb ibn Kaysaan, for indeed Ibn `Abdil Barr reports in at-Tamheed from Imaam Maalik that he (himself) said, “Wahb ibn Kaysaan used to sit for us, and he would never get up until he had said to us, “Know that nothing will rectify the latter part of this nation, except what rectified its first part.”
(Listen to the entire lesson here; read the entire transcript here)
The Religion is a matter depending upon texts, and it is ittibaa`, it is to follow, it is not to innovate or originate new things. Originating new things can only be in the field of manufacturing and of worldly benefits. But as for the Religion, then nothing may be newly introduced in it after the passing away of the Messenger sallAllaahu `alayhi wa sallam; because laying down Legislation came to an end with the passing away of the Messenger sallAllaahu `alayhi wa sallam. So there is nothing upon us except al-ittibaa`, to follow, and that we do not introduce anything new from our selves and say, “This is what is fitting for this time.”
Imaam Maalik rahimahullah said, “Nothing will rectify the latter part of this nation, except that which rectified its first part.”[1] That which rectified its first part was the Book and the Sunnah. So nothing will rectify the last part of this nation except for the Book and the Sunnah and following the guidance of the Salafus-Saalih (Pious Predecessors).
[1] This is reported from him by a number of people such ash-Shaatibee in al-I`tisaam and Ibn `Abdil-Haadee in Tanqeehit-Tahqeeq. And perhaps Imaam Maalik took this point of benefit from his teacher Wahb ibn Kaysaan, for indeed Ibn `Abdil Barr reports in at-Tamheed from Imaam Maalik that he (himself) said, “Wahb ibn Kaysaan used to sit for us, and he would never get up until he had said to us, “Know that nothing will rectify the latter part of this nation, except what rectified its first part.”
(Listen to the entire lesson here; read the entire transcript here)
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