(From Shaykh Saalih ibn Sa`d as-Suhaymee's explanation of Sharh-us-Sunnah):
The explanation of Shaykh Saalih ibn Sa`d as-Suhaymee hafizahullaah mentions with regard to this affair of innovations which start as something small:
“In the story of `Abdullaah ibn Mas`ood(reported by Daarimee and others) along with the people of these circles who gathered in circles in Basrah when Aboo Moosaa al-Ash`aree came to him and informed him that there are some people gathering in circles. So in the beginning all they were doing was gathering in circles and repeating words of thikr (remembrance). This, it is possible to say that this is from the smaller innovations. So then the narrator of this report said, “But then I saw most of those who were in those circles fighting against us on the Day of Nahrawaan.” SubhaanAllaah! What is meant by the Day of Nahrawaan? It is the day when `Alee radiyAllaahu `anhu fought against the Khawaarij.
“So those people of the circles what did they begin with? They began with a small innovation; it would not be counted as something major without a doubt, however their gathering in circles and the manner in which they were doing the thikr, this is the way in which it was an innovation. So tasbeeh (saying subhaanAllaah) and tahleel (saying laa ilaaha illAllaah) is not an evil act, rather it is something legislated. So what was it that Ibn Mas`ood was criticizing from them? It was the manner in which they were doingthikr. So therefore afterwards when the major innovation appeared, the innovation of the Khawaarij those people went with whom? They went along with the Khawaarij. So therefore the narrator of this report said, “So I saw most of the people of those circles fighting against us (meaning the people who were with `Alee radiyAllaahu `anhu) on the Day of Nahrawaan.” So see, this is a witness that emphasizes for us what the author rahimahullaah is saying, that innovation if it is taken lightly, people justifying it, it will continue until it becomes something major and until maybe it will lead the person to exiting/shooting out from the Religion; and the best example of that is the Khawaarij and the extreme Raafidah Shee`ah and the Baatiniyyah and the ones who follow their path.”
The explanation of Shaykh Saalih ibn Sa`d as-Suhaymee hafizahullaah mentions with regard to this affair of innovations which start as something small:
“In the story of `Abdullaah ibn Mas`ood(reported by Daarimee and others) along with the people of these circles who gathered in circles in Basrah when Aboo Moosaa al-Ash`aree came to him and informed him that there are some people gathering in circles. So in the beginning all they were doing was gathering in circles and repeating words of thikr (remembrance). This, it is possible to say that this is from the smaller innovations. So then the narrator of this report said, “But then I saw most of those who were in those circles fighting against us on the Day of Nahrawaan.” SubhaanAllaah! What is meant by the Day of Nahrawaan? It is the day when `Alee radiyAllaahu `anhu fought against the Khawaarij.
“So those people of the circles what did they begin with? They began with a small innovation; it would not be counted as something major without a doubt, however their gathering in circles and the manner in which they were doing the thikr, this is the way in which it was an innovation. So tasbeeh (saying subhaanAllaah) and tahleel (saying laa ilaaha illAllaah) is not an evil act, rather it is something legislated. So what was it that Ibn Mas`ood was criticizing from them? It was the manner in which they were doingthikr. So therefore afterwards when the major innovation appeared, the innovation of the Khawaarij those people went with whom? They went along with the Khawaarij. So therefore the narrator of this report said, “So I saw most of the people of those circles fighting against us (meaning the people who were with `Alee radiyAllaahu `anhu) on the Day of Nahrawaan.” So see, this is a witness that emphasizes for us what the author rahimahullaah is saying, that innovation if it is taken lightly, people justifying it, it will continue until it becomes something major and until maybe it will lead the person to exiting/shooting out from the Religion; and the best example of that is the Khawaarij and the extreme Raafidah Shee`ah and the Baatiniyyah and the ones who follow their path.”
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