Shaykh Ahmed then read to us from the book of Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-‘Uthaymeen, al- Qawl ul-Mufeed Sharh Kitaab ut-Tawheed, Beneficial Speech in Explaining the Book of Tawheed, which is an explanation of Kitaab ut-Tawheed of Shaykhul-Islaam Muhammad ibn ‘Abdul Wahhaab an- Najdee (rahimahullaah). He read to us from the chapter ‘Swearing by Allaah (subhaana wa ta’aalaa)’:
“The meaning of this is the glorification of the one that is being sweared by. And the reason of doing this action of swearing is to certify an issue by the remembrance of the one that is glorified. And it has specific terminology that is used in the Arabic language, certain words and phrases that are used to swear by, and they are known as Huroof al-Qasam, which consists of the harf baa, waav, and taa (billaahi, wallaahi, and tallaahi).And a person who numerously swears by Allaah (subhaana wa ta’aalaa), and is consistently and in all times found swearing by Allaah (subhaana wa ta’aalaa), then this is a proof that his glorification of Allaah is weak.And the reason for mentioning these chapters in Kitaab ut-Tawheed is that from the perfection and completion of Tawheed is that a person glorifies Allaah (subhaana wa ta’aalaa). And the fact that a person swears by Allaah numerously, without taking heed of what he is swearing about, then this is a proof that shows the weakness in his glorification of Allaah (subhaana wa ta’aalaa).”
From ‘Abdullaah ibn ‘Umar ibnul-Khattaab (radiyAllaahu ‘anhumaa) that the Messenger of Allaah (peace be upon him) met ‘Umar ibnul-Khattaab (radiyAllaahu ‘anhu) while the latter was going with a group of camel-riders, and he was swearing by his father. So Allaah’s Messenger ( Peace be upon him) said, ((Behold! Allaah (‘azza wa jall) forbids you to swear by your fathers, so whoever has to take an oath, he should swear by Allaah or keep quiet)). Reported by al- Bukhaaree, no. 6270 and Muslim, no. 1646. Also from him [‘Abdullaah ibn ‘Umar] (radiyAllaahu ‘anhumaa), who said, Allaah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said, ((Whosoever wishes to take an oath then he should not take an oath except by Allaah)).
- In this hadeeth is the proof that it is not allowable to swear by other than Allaah, and that it is forbidden to swear by the created things.
- And the thing that is sweared by, this is in actuality glorification of that which is sweared by, so the one who swears by the creation is glorifying it, and Allaah (subhaana wa ta’aalaa) is greater than everything and He deserves glorification more than anything else that is in existence.
- And the one who swears by other than Allaah (subhaana wa ta’aalaa) has committed an act of shirk (association).
From Abee Hurayrah (radiyAllaahu ‘anhu) who said, Allaah’s Messenger ( peace be upon him) said,((Whoever amongst you swears, (saying by error) in his oath “By al-Laat and al-‘Uzzaa,” then he should say, “Laa Ilaaha illaAllaah (None has the right to be worshipped but Allaah).” And whoever says to his companions, “Come let me gamble with you,” then he must give something in charity (as an expiation for such a sin).)) Reported by al-Bukhaaree, no. 4579 and Muslim, no. 1647.
- The one who swears by other than Allaah without intentionally intending this, and the ones who become accustomed to this due to the fact that they have been brought up in Jaahiliyyah, then the Prophet (peace be upon him) has made clear to them the atonement of doing this act (i.e. swearing by other than Allaah in error), and it is by saying the statement of Laa Ilaaha illaAllaah.
- The atonement for the one who swears by other than Allaah (i.e. in error) by saying the statement of Laa Ilaaha illaAllaah is the affirmation of worship to Allaah (subhaana wa ta’aalaa) and its negation to other than Allaah (subhaana wa ta’aalaa).
From Buraydah (radiyAllaahu ‘anhu) who said that the Messenger of Allaah ( peace be upon him) said, ((Whoever takes an oath by al-Amaanah (the trust), then he is not from us)). Reported by Aboo Daawud, no. 3253 with an authentic chain, authenticated by ash-Shaykh al-Albaanee in as-Saheehah, no. 94, and also authenticated by ash-Shaykh Muqbil in al-Jaami’ as-Saheeh 1/291.Read for more details
From Qutaylah, the woman from Juhaynah, (radiyAllaahu ‘anhaa) that a Jew came to the Prophet (peace be upon him) and said: “Verily you make equal and verily you associate, you say: ‘What Allaah Wills and what you will,’ and you swear: ‘By al-Ka’bah.’ So the Prophet () ordered them: (If they want to swear, they should say: ‘By the Lord of al-Ka’bah,’ and they should say: ‘What Allaah Wills then what you will.’).” Narrated by an-Nisaa’ee 7/6, and authenticated by ash-Shaykh al-Albaanee in as-Saheehah: 1166, and also by ash-Shaykh Muqbil in the book as-Saheeh al-Musnad Mimmaa Laysa Fee as-Saheehayn 2/515.
- It is allowable to swear by the attributes of Allaah (subhaana wa ta’aalaa).
- Therefore, it is allowable for someone to swear by the Qur’aan, the Qur’aan being the speech of Allaah (jalla wa ‘alaa), and speech is an attribute of Allaah (subhaana wa ta’aalaa).
- As for al- Ka’bah, then it is not from the attributes of Allaah (subhaana wa ta’aalaa), and therefore it is not allowable for a person to swear by al-Ka’bah. So it is upon us to say as the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, ‘By the Lord of al-Ka’bah.’
From ‘Umar ibnul-Khattaab (radiyAllaahu ‘anhu) who said, “The Messenger of Allaah (peace be upon him) said to me: ((Verily, Allaah (‘azza wa jall) prohibits you to swear by your fathers)).” Reported by al-Bukhaaree, no. 6271 and Muslim, no. 1646.
From Thaabit ibn ad-Dahhaak (radiyAllaahu ‘anhu) who said that the Messenger of Allaah (peace be upon him) said: ((Whosoever swears to be on a religion other than the religion of al- Islaam, then he is as he says)). Reported by al-Bukhaaree, no. 1297 and Muslim, no. 110.
From Buraydah (radiyAllaahu ‘anhu) who said that the Messenger of Allaah ( peace be upon him) said: ((Whosoever swears and says: “Verily, I am free from al-Islaam,” and if he was a liar, then he is as he says, and if he was truthful, then he will not return back to al-Islaam in a perfect manner)). Narrated by Aboo Daawud, no. 3258 and Ahmed, no. 5/355 and an-Nisaa’ee 7/6 and ibn Maajah, no. 2100, and authenticated by ash-Shaykh al-Albaanee in al-‘Irwaa’, no. 2576, and also by ash-Shaykh Muqbil in al-Jaami’ as-Saheeh 1/290.
From ‘Abdur Rahmaan ibn Samurah (radiyAllaahu ‘anhu) who said that the Messenger of Allaah ( peace be upon him) said: ((Do not swear by idols and by your fathers)). Narrated by Muslim, no. 1648.
From Abee Hurayrah (radiyAllaahu ‘anhu) who said that the Messenger of Allaah (peace be upon him) said: ((Do not swear by your fathers, or by your mothers, or by idols, and do not swear except by Allaah, and do not swear except that you are truthful)). An authentic hadeeth, narrated by Aboo Daawud, no. 3248 and an-Nisaa’ee, no. 3769 and ibn Hibbaan, mo. 4357 and al-Bayhaqee 10/29, and authenticated by ash-Shaykh al-Albaanee (rahimahullaah) in Saheeh al-Jaami’, no. 7249, and also by ash-Shaykh Muqbil in as-Saheeh al-Musnad 2/341.
From ‘Abdullaah ibn ‘Umar (radiyAllaahu ‘anhumaa) who said that the Messenger of Allaah (peace be upon him) said: ((Whosoever swears by other than Allaah, then he has committed (an action of) disbelief or association)). Narrated by Aboo Daawud, no. 3251 and at-Tirmidhee, no. 1535 and al-Haakim 1/18 and 4/297; and authenticated by adh-Dhahabee, and also by al-Albaanee in al-‘Irwaa’, no. 2561, and al-Bayhaqee 10/29, and at-Tayaalisee, no. 1896, and Ahmed 2/34 and 69 and 86 and 125, and ibn Hibbaan 10/199-200, and see al-Jaami’ as-Saheeh 1/279 and 6/321 of ash-Shaykh Muqbil ibn Haadee (rahimahullaahu ta’aalaa).
From ‘Umar ibnul-Khattaab (radiyAllaahu ‘anhu) that he said: “No, by my father,” so the Messenger of Allaah ( peace be upon him) said: ((What is this? Verily, whosoever swears by something other than Allaah has associated)). Narrated by Ahmed 1/413-414 with an authentic chain.
This Post Extracted from:
Lessons on Tawhid – Approximately 50 Classes - from Dar-ul-Hadith, Dammaj, Yemen
Class 31 : January – 21 – 06 - The Prohibition of Swearing by Other Than Allaah
Lessons on Tawhid – Approximately 50 Classes - from Dar-ul-Hadith, Dammaj, Yemen
Class 31 : January – 21 – 06 - The Prohibition of Swearing by Other Than Allaah
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