In this lecture the Shaykh covered everything in regards with following the Salaf. He mentioned that we should follow the Salaf in their Aqeedah (creed), Ibadaat (acts of worship), Ikhlaaq (good manners), Mua’mulaat, and in everything. He mentioned many stories and one of the stories was about one of the Student of Knowledge (حفظه الله).
The Shaykh said – “I met one Student of Knowledge about 30 years ago when he was studying in Madinah (Saudi Arabia). We used to live together and sit with Ulemah. He was a very good student, he was excellent in the first year, excellent in the second, and in the third year but when the forth year started, he came to me and told me that he would like to go back to his home country (United Kingdom). Everybody asked him that why you want to leave, you are almost there, finish your education, get your degree, and then leave. He began to cry and said that he got a phone call from his family member and they told him that his father is very sick and he is in the hospital and the family is afraid that he may die (upon kufr). We told him that your father may not die, a lot of people go to the hospital but not everyone dies immediately. But he said that something in my heart telling me to leave. So he got on the plane and went back and didn’t finish the forth and last year of the University”.
The Shaykh said that he didn’t care about the degree. He was truthful with Allah as related to guiding his father to Al-Islam and Allah was truthful with him as well. He went back and after a couple of days, we talked to him and he said alhamdulillah my father has accepted Islam. He said that alhamdulillah my father died upon Islam in the same hospital. The Shaykh said I visited him after many years and he said that now my mother is Muslim and my whole family is Muslim. The Shaykh said what we learn from this story that if you really care about your family and they are non Muslims, then focus your time and do what you can, the success is with Allah (سبحانه وتعالى).
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