{ And Indeed it is a Reminder for those who have Taqwaa }
{ Indeed it is an admonition }
{ So let whoever pleases pay attention to/remember it }
{ A verification to what was revealed before it }
{ A Confirmation of what came before it }
{ A Guardian to what came before it }
{ A detailed clarification of all things }
{ An explanation of all things }
{ These are the versus of the Book of Wisdom }
{ it is He Who has sent down to you the Book, explained in detail }
{ Verily, there has come to you a convincing proof from your Lord; and We sent down to you a manifest light }
{ Indeed the truth has come to you from your Lord }
In a clear Arabic language
{ …Grant him protection until he hears the Word of Allaah }
{ Then whoever disputes with you concerning him (Jesus) after the knowledge that has come to you }
{ And verily, it (this Qur-aan) is in the Mother of the Book (i.e. Al-Lauh Al-Mahfoodh) with Us, indeed exalted, full of wisdom. }
{ reciting purified pages (the Qur-aan). Wherein are correct and straight laws from Allaah. }
{ Who has sent down to His slave (Muhammad [sal-Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) the Book (the Qur-aan), and has not placed therein any crookedness. (He has made it) straight to give warning… }
{ It is only a Revelation revealed. }
{ And indeed there has come to them news (in this Qur-aan) wherein there is (enough warning) to check (them from evil). Perfect wisdom… }
{ And thus have We sent it (the Qur-aan) down to be a judgment of authority in Arabic }
{ This is a warning in the (series of) warnings of old }
In the Hadeeth of Abu Musa;
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