Friday, November 23, 2012

Quran Memorization techniques

Bismillah, alhamdulillah wa salat wa salam ala Rasulullah
Quran Memorization techniques

Day 1
Copy out the page of the Quran that you want to memorize.
Read it until you get a fluent at it and have it memorized a little.
Repeat what you memorized 500 times (yes you read that right). You will occasionally read it while looking at the text. But go easy on yourself and take breaks in between. Use a misbah (rosary beads) to keep track and take breaks between every 100. It will take about 4.5 hours to do this if it is one page of Quran that takes about one minute for once through.
Day 2
Do the exact same as Day 1 for the new material (copy out the text, memorize, repeat 500 times).
Return to Day 1’s material and repeat it 150 times.
Day 3
Do the exact same as Day 1 for the new material (copy out the text, memorize, repeat 500 times).
Return to Day 2’s material and repeat it 150 times.
Return to Day 1’s material and repeat it 50-75 times.
Day 4
Do the exact same as Day 1 for the new material (copy out the text, memorize, repeat 500 times).
Return to Day 3’s material and repeat it 150 times.
Return to Day 2’s material and repeat it 50-75 times.
Return to Day 1’s material and repeat it 10 times.
Day 1: 500 reps
Day 2: 500 reps+150
Day 3: 500 reps+150+75
Day 4: 500 reps+150+75+10
Day 5: Same as Day 4 but read everything together a few times to ensure proper connections are made.
Benefit of this method is that you do not have to review so much. But doing this method means you will hear the verses repeating themselves in your head and even dream of reciting them due to the intensity of it. The merit of this method is it is GUARANTEED in sha Allah!

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