On the authority of Abu Ruqayya Tameem ibn Aus ad-Daaree (radi Allaahu anhu) that the Prophet (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) said:
'The Deen (religion) is naseehah (advice/sincerity)'. We said 'To whom?' He said 'To Allah and His Book, and His Messenger, and to the leaders of the Muslims and their common folk.' [Related by Muslim no 55]
The illustrious companion, Tameem bin Aws Ad-Daaree- Allah is pleased with him-, he had a daughter called Ruqayyah. He embraced Islam year 9, he used to pray the night a lot and he was-in a weak narration by Ibn Maajah- the first to kindle a lantern in the Masjid. It is said that it was sketched on his grave that he died year 40. He has one hadeeth in Sahih Muslim.
Benefits extracted from this hadeeth:
1-The importance of the advice at these occasions and how the Prophet peace is upon him counted it to be from the religion.
2-The good teaching of the Prophet peace is upon him when he mentioned the matter generally then mentioned it in details.
3-The vigilance of the companions in seeking knowledge and how they would not leave a vital matter passing by them without inquiring about its understanding.
4-The importance of starting with the foremost then the foremost.
5-The obligation of advising the Imams of Muslims in the legislated manner.
6-The indication that the Muslim society must have an Imam. And this Imaamah could be general or specific.
Statements of the Salaf related to this hadeeth:
1-Al-Hassan Al-Basree rahimahul-llah said: Verily, you will not reach the true advice for your brother until you command him with what you failed to do.
2-Al-Fudhayl bin 'iyaadh rahimahul-llah said: Those with us did not achieve what they have achieved by praying a lot and fasting a lot. Rather they did that by having generous souls, clean chests and giving advice to the Ummah.
3-Ibnul-Mubaarak rahimahul-llah was asked: which act is best? He said: giving advice for the sake of Allah.
4-Some of the Salaf said: he who admonishes his brother between them it is an advice. And he who admonishes him in front of people he has only rebuked him.
5-Al-Fudhayl bin 'iyaadh said rahimahul-llah: the believer advises and conceals and the transgressor reveals and mocks.
6-Abdul-Aziz bin Abee Rawwaad said: those who were before you, if the man saw from his brother something he would command him gently and he would be rewarded in his command and prohibition. And verily, some of those would breach his companion and as a result angers him and reveals him.
Siyar A'laam An-Nubalaa by Imam Ath-Thahabee rahimahul-llah.
Explanation of forty hadeeths by Shaykh Ibnul-'Uthaimeen rahimahul-llah.
Jaami'ul-'Uloom wal Hikam by Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbalee rahimahul-llah.
Translation of hadeeth was taken from abdurrahman.org
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