Eight things from which the Prophet sallahu alyhi wa sallam sought refuge
" اللهم إني أعوذ بك من الهم والخزن ، والعجز والكسل والبخل والجبن ، وضلع الدين وغلبة الرجال "
"O Allaah, I seek refuge in You from worry and sadness, from incapacity and laziness, from miserliness and cowardice, and from being overcome by debt or overpowered by others. " ( Sahih Al Bukhari, vol. 8, p. 210, no. 6369)
The Prophet (sallahu alyhi wa sallam) sought refuge in eight things in which the members of each pair are companions of each other:
1. Grief and sadness are companions, and they are among the spiritual pains and the soul’s torments. The difference between the two is that worry (hamm) is in regard to evil expected to occur in the future, while sadness and grief is suffering over the occurrence of something disliked in the past, or the loss of something dear.
2. Incapacity - failure and laziness are also companions, both of which are causes of pain because they necessitate the passing of something desirable. Incapacity necessitates inability and laziness necessitates lack of desire. So the soul suffers pain when what is desired is missed according to the degree of its attachment to it and its enjoyment of it if it occurred.
3. Miserliness and cowardice are also companions because they are a lack of benefit from wealth and health, and they are also among the causes of suffering. Because the coward misses out on great beloved, enjoyable and pleasurable things which can only be gained by expending effort and bravery, and miserliness comes between him and them. These two characteristics are among the greatest causes of suffering and pain.
4. Being overcome by debt and overpowered by others are companions which torment the soul and cause spiritual suffering. One of them is legitimate and it is usually the person’s own fault, unpaid debts, while the other is illegitimate and not by his choice, the oppression from others.
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