1. The Imaam of criticism and praise of personalities and groups- Rabi’ Al Madkhali taught me through statement and action to stay far away from loving popularity because it breaks people’s backs.
2. The Imaam of criticism and praise of personalities and groups- Rabi’ Al Madkhali taught me through statement and action that the one who opposes the truth, if he doesn’t repent and recant, will by himself cause himself to fall.
3. The Imaam of criticism and praise of personalities and groups- Rabi’ Al Madkhali taught me through statement and action that the truth is uppermost and nothing is placed above it and that victory comes after patience.
4. The Imaam of criticism and praise of personalities and groups- Rabi’ Al Madkhali taught me through statement and action that the actions and statements of a person declare his suitability (for da’wah) and that whoever does well in his actions and da’wah than news of him will spread.
5. The Imaam of criticism and praise of personalities and groups- Rabi’ Al Madkhali taught me through statement and action to respect the senior scholars and not preceed them even if the opposer is clearly in opposition.
6. The Imaam of criticism and praise of personalities and groups- Rabi’ Al Madkhali taught me through statement and action that if the opposer (of the truth) displays agreement and seeks advice to have patience with him not because he accepted but to give him the opportunity to recant.
7. The Imaam of criticism and praise of personalities and groups- Rabi’ Al Madkhali taught me through statement and action not to suffice with opinion but to seek after the Sunnah and narrations.
8. The Imaam of criticism and praise of personalities and groups- Rabi’ Al Madkhali taught me through statement and action to be fervent upon unity upon the truth and casting aside division and seperation from the truth.
9. The Imaam of criticism and praise of personalities and groups- Rabi’ Al Madkhali taught me through statement and action to be adamate over guiding people to the truth so long as there is a way.
10. The Imaam of criticism and praise of personalities and groups- Rabi’ Al Madkhali taught me through statement and action to love the Salafis in any place and to aid them so long as I have a way to do so and not to forsake them.
11. The Imaam of criticism and praise of personalities and groups- Rabi’ Al Madkhali taught me through statement and action that the true/genuine salafi will be with his salafi brothers, not abandon their gatherings and will not chase people away from them.
12. The Imaam of criticism and praise of personalities and groups- Rabi’ Al Madkhali taught me through statement and action that the student of knowledge who doesn’t value and respect the scholars will not be successful unless he repents.
13. The Imaam of criticism and praise of personalities and groups- Rabi’ Al Madkhali taught me through statement and action that it is befitting for the student of knowledge not to stop seeking knowledge, and when he says: “I am a scholar” then he is an ignoramous.
14. The Imaam of criticism and praise of personalities and groups- Rabi’ Al Madkhali taught me through statement and action that Salafiyyah is not merely an ascription by name but the statement must be proven by action.
15. The Imaam of criticism and praise of personalities and groups- Rabi’ Al Madkhali taught me through statement and action that Salafiyyah is not a veil for those who play games but rather it is a distinguishing boundary between truth and falsehood.
16. The Imaam of criticism and praise of personalities and groups- Rabi’ Al Madkhali taught me through statement and action not to put myself forward in tight situations but to leave the affair for the senior scholars, because the blessing is with them.
17. The Imaam of criticism and praise of personalities and groups- Rabi’ Al Madkhali taught me through statement and action to be fervent upon love and harmony upon the truth and to overlook personal mistreatment seeking nearness to Allah.
18. The Imaam of criticism and praise of personalities and groups- Rabi’ Al Madkhali taught me through statement and action to not pay any attention to tempests, nonsense and trouble makers on the road so long as the caravan of truth is moving on.
19. The Imaam of criticism and praise of personalities and groups- Rabi’ Al Madkhali taught me through statement and action that the truth, although its adversaries are many and the arrows of its enemies are overwhelming, that victory is near for whoever is patient and has taqwa.
20. The Imaam of criticism and praise of personalities and groups- Rabi’ Al Madkhali taught me through statement and action that aiding the truth must be by way of the salafi manhaj and that there is no good in the other pathways.
21. The Imaam of criticism and praise of personalities and groups- Rabi’ Al Madkhali taught me through statement and action that the adversaries of the truth are many and frequently change colors so be cautious of them and not enable them to spread their falsehood.
22. The Imaam of criticism and praise of personalities and groups- Rabi’ Al Madkhali taught me through statement and action that the one who teaches people goodness must be an example and will be followed by his students and the common folk.
23. The Imaam of criticism and praise of personalities and groups- Rabi’ Al Madkhali taught me through statement and action that the one who teaches people goodness must refrain from bad character and being greedy for this world and wealth.
24. The Imaam of criticism and praise of personalities and groups- Rabi’ Al Madkhali taught me through statement and action to be observant of Allah in my intention, statement and action and to seek the good pleasure of Allah not the pleasure of the people.
25. The Imaam of criticism and praise of personalities and groups- Rabi’ Al Madkhali taught me through statement and action that refuting someone who opposes the truth is from the door of ordering virtue and forbidding vice and that it is aiding and preservation of the religion.
26. The Imaam of criticism and praise of personalities and groups- Rabi’ Al Madkhali taught me through statement and action that silence from religious mistakes leads to the religion being neglected.
27. The Imaam of criticism and praise of personalities and groups- Rabi’ Al Madkhali taught me through statement and action that the Salafi scholars are people of mercy, justice, balance and objectivity and that they are the farthest of people from harshenss, oppression and exaggeration.
28. The Imaam of criticism and praise of personalities and groups- Rabi’ Al Madkhali taught me through statement and action that the salafi scholars are the most sincere people towards Allah, His Messenger, His Book, the rulers of the muslims and their masses.
29. The Imaam of criticism and praise of personalities and groups- Rabi’ Al Madkhali taught me through statement and action that refuting those who oppose the truth from Ahlus Sunnah doesn’t mean hunting after their faults or degrading them.
30. The Imaam of criticism and praise of personalities and groups- Rabi’ Al Madkhali taught me through statement and action action that refuting those who oppose the truth from Ahlus Sunnah doesn’t mean removing their status or oppressing them.
31. The Imaam of criticism and praise of personalities and groups- Rabi’ Al Madkhali taught me through statement and action to be grateful to whoever refutes my mistake because he has safeguarded the religion and saved me from its effects on the day of judgment.
32. The Imaam of criticism and praise of personalities and groups- Rabi’ Al Madkhali taught me through statement and action that the genuine salafi accepts criticism and considers it advice, not being exposed.
33. The Imaam of criticism and praise of personalities and groups- Rabi’ Al Madkhali taught me through statement and action that the person who doesn’t accept criticism and advice only calls to himself, not to Allah!
34. The Imaam of criticism and praise of personalities and groups- Rabi’ Al Madkhali taught me through statement and action that the people of deviant whims are plotting and deceptive, are never to be felt safe from or trusted!!!
35. The Imaam of criticism and praise of personalities and groups- Rabi’ Al Madkhali taught me through statement and action that the people of deviant whims have tricks and ways to beautify their falsehood and make it appear to be the truth.
36. The Imaam of criticism and praise of personalities and groups- Rabi’ Al Madkhali taught me through statement and action that the people of deviant whims are not sincere advisors and do not aid Allah’s religion but only aid their deviant whims.
37. The Imaam of criticism and praise of personalities and groups- Rabi’ Al Madkhali taught me through statement and action that the salafi may be decieved but will not remain decieved but will rather take caution and wake up.
38. The Imaam of criticism and praise of personalities and groups- Rabi’ Al Madkhali taught me through statement and action that deviance is feared for the one who seperates himself away from the rest of the salafis in private gatherings.
39. The Imaam of criticism and praise of personalities and groups- Rabi’ Al Madkhali taught me through statement and action that the Salafi manhaj places matters in their proper places in the instance of gentleness and in the instance of seriousness and firmness regarding the truth.
40. The Imaam of criticism and praise of personalities and groups- Rabi’ Al Madkhali taught me through statement and action that gentleness with the people of innovation and deviant whims is watering down and neglect of the truth and even more so is betrayal of the Salafis.
41. The Imaam of criticism and praise of personalities and groups- Rabi’ Al Madkhali taught me through statement and action that harshness against the people of truth and declaring them innovators and astray without justification is a the manhaj of the Khawaarij and Haddaadis.
42. The Imaam of criticism and praise of personalities and groups- Rabi’ Al Madkhali taught me through statement and action that the student of knowledge must know his own level and not rush to the forefront before its time.
43. The Imaam of criticism and praise of personalities and groups- Rabi’ Al Madkhali taught me through statement and action that exaggeration is blameworthy and rejected and its results are horrible.
44. The Imaam of criticism and praise of personalities and groups- Rabi’ Al Madkhali taught me through statement and action that lenience and gentleness where seriousness is required squanders the truth.
45. The Imaam of criticism and praise of personalities and groups- Rabi’ Al Madkhali taught me through statement and action that harshness where gentleness is required chases people away from the truth and misportrays the Salafi manhaj.