by 'Umar Quinn -From The Principles of Salafiyyah Workshop at Masjid Al Bukhaari (West Palm Beach Florida)
Uploaded by SalafyInk on 19 Feb 2012
Questioner: There are some issues, O Shaikh, which some of the people of knowledge with us have differed in, some of them calling those things an innovation and others saying it is permissible, and some of the youth blindly follow and due to the trust they have in the scholar who says that it is permissible, he takes his [i.e., that scholar’s] opinion in the issue, so is it permissible, O Shaikh, to judge this person, like slandering his manhaj or declaring him to be an innovator due to him doing that, and an example of that is acting. Shaikh Muhammad ibn Uthaimeen laid down some conditions for it and holds it to be permissible and Shaikh ‘Abdullaah ibn Jibreen, some Shaikhs like Shaikh Bakr Abu Zaid and Shaikh Rabee ibn Haadi say that it is an innovation, what is your opinion, O Shaikh? Al-Albaani: Subhaanllaah! Allaahu Akbar! Your question started as something and ended as something else in my opinion. So are you asking one question or more than one? Questioner: One question, O Shaikh. Al-Albaani: Then define your question, because I felt that there was more than one. Define your question. Questioner: The question is about the ruling concerning an individual who goes by the saying of a Shaikh who declares something to be allowable, [declares it] to be permissible to do that thing, and an example of that is acting. Al-Albaani: Yes, yes. Questioner: Is it allowed for me, being that I hold acting to be an innovation and this other person holds the view of, for example, one of the major scholars who says it is permissible, is it permissible for me to slander this person’s manhaj by saying that, ‘This is the manhaj of the Ikhwaan al-Muslimoon in this issue,’ or that such a person can be declared to be an innovator because he took the opinion [of another Shaikh] in this issue, bearing in mind that the person is a blind-follower, O Shaikh? Al-Albaani: Is it permissible for a scholar to say anything against someone who opposes his opinion? Questioner: No. Al-Albaani: Then this situation is even less permissible. Is the answer clear? Questioner: Yes. Al-Albaani: Okay. Questioner: May Allaah reward you with good. Al-Albaani: And you. |
We find in the words of Tariq Ramadan thoughts that reflect the beliefs of Kufr (disbelief) and Shirk (polytheism) of the heretic Sufis. The belief in "Wahdatul Wujood" (unity of existence, meaning that everything is Allaah and Allaah is everything) is a form of pantheism and "al-Hulul" (believing that Allaah is in certain creatures), which are heretic beliefs taught by most of the Sufiyyah Turuq in the world today. One should not be surprised to see Tariq showing and expressing these heretic beliefs since the grandfather of Tariq,Hassan al-Banna, was a Sufi of the al-Hisaafiyyah ash-Shaadhiliyyah tariqah that expressed these same beliefs, aswell as Sayyid Qutb who expresses clearly these heretic beliefs in his book "Fi Dhilaal al-Qur'aan" in many places and in particular in his commentary on Surah al-Ikhlaas, aswell as other key figures from Ikhwaan al-Muslimuun (had the same beliefs).
Source for the below: Ramadan blames the Salafis for being responsible for terrorism! And free and far removed are the scholars and the followers of Salafiyyah from condoning terrorism and the corrupt ideology of the Khawaarij.It should also suffice us as a confirmation of his misguidance that Tariq Ramadan cooperates with organizations that aggrandize the likes of Hasan al-Banna (who is Tariq Ramadan's grandfather) and Sayyid Qutb, the revivers of the Khawaarij ideology in the modern era.Furthemore, Tariq Ramadan has called to leaving off aspects of the Islamic Sharee'ah (such as his infamous call for a "moratorium" on the punishment for adultery legislated by Allaah, subhaanahu wa ta 'alaa) and abandoning the scholars of the religion. To him, an ideal practice of Islam involves combining Islamic values with the conjecture and doubts of Western philosophers, and he has studied the works of such disbelieving philosophers extensively. In this regard, TIME Magazine "honored" Tariq Ramadan as being one of the most important "innovators" of the 21st centurySource for the below : 7th July 2006, our brother Abu Khadeejah gave a khutbah in the salafi masjid in Birmingham and mentioned the individual called Tariq Ramadan. You can listen to the khutbah here,As this individual may not be as well known in the English speaking world as he is in the French speaking world, there is not a lot of material concerning him in English. However, there are some articles in french concerning him and more importantly the words of Shaykh Raajihi on Tariq Ramadan on this site:
Abu Muhammad al-Maghribee's blog!! please share, spread the word!, Barakallaah feekum Some of the brother's lectures can be downloaded at the website : |
Etiquette of Seeking Knowledge Download(Right click then save target/link as) Brief Explanation of Etiquette of Seeking Knowledge by Ahsan Hanif (Audio) Part 1 | Part 2 (Right click then save target/link as) By: Shaykh Bakr Aboo Zayd Translator: Abu Abdillah Murad Publisher: Al-Hidaayah The Etiquette of Seeking Knowledge ... to adorn oneself with beautiful etiquette, [...] |